Portfolio: Insidegamer
Portfolio: insidegamer
Project: wallpaper wednesday
Date: febr 2014 – dec 2015
Early 2014 i started working on a featured rubric on one of Holland’s biggest gaming websites called wallpaper wednesday. Every week on the wednesday i supply new gaming wallpapers of a upcoming video game or a desktop background of a gaming franchise that has been popular in the past.
Insidegamer is a community driven video game website that brings the latest updates of the gaming industry. Through rich text based posts and high quality video content, they inform the dutch gamer. Insidegamer also has a video game tv show on Veronica,one of the commercial tv channels here in Holland.
After exclusively making borderlands 2 wallpapers for over 2 years i started making desktop backgrounds of different video games. This got noticed by the crew of insidegamer and they contacted me about doing a weekly wallpaper rubric on their website.