Mission Outline
Team up with a special away-team guest on Tempest as you help Rendain further refine his tastes.
Take Nova and download her into the Tempest Network through a series of defense points where you fight various waves of enemies. Protect the Data Cores from Varelsi and Thralls as she cause a reactor meltdown.
Defeat the Thrall Foreman and his Varelsi minions, and escape to the airship before the Reactor explodes.
Planet: Tempest
Mission Type: Defend
Boss 1: Thrall Shift Superviser Varl
Boss 2: Varelsi Maligner
Boss 3: Foreman Grall
Team up with a special away-team guest on Tempest as you help Rendain further refine his tastes.
Legendary Gear
The Thrall Shift Superviser Varl is able to drop some legendary gear.He has 1 legendary drop specific for Normal difficulty and 1 more for Advanced difficulty.
Legendary Gear
The Varelsi Maligner is able to drop some legendary gear. It has 1 legendary drop specific for Normal difficulty and 1 more for Advanced difficulty.
Legendary Gear
The Foreman Grall is able to drop some legendary gear.He has 2 legendary drops specific for Normal difficulty and 2 more for Advanced difficulty.