Kelvin - Battleborn Character Profile Page
NAME: Kelvin
ROLE: Defender
WEAPON: Ice Fists
TALENT: Ice Form
SKILL 1: Sublimate
SKILL 2: Chomp
PASSIVE: Permafrost
About Kelvin
There are many strange beings in Solus, but the ice golem Kelvin is definitely one of the strangest — a single consciousness emerging from a colony of extremophilic microorganisms. Rescued by Miko, Kelvin now fights for the Eldrid to preserve what’s left of the cosmos.
Kelvin is an ice golem
- Development Name: Ice Golem
- Character Concept:
- Character Designer:
- Character Concept Artist: Erik Doescher
- Voice: J Michael Tatum
Kelvin’s primary attack deals 60 damage with a series of melee strikes, while his secondary attack pounds the ground, dealing 79 area of effect damage.
- LEVEL 1: 4th melee hit slows enemies
- LEVEL 7: Increased push back effect with pounding
Kelvin’s dense crystalline ice shape is exceptionally durable, allowing him to soak up damage for his team.
- LEVEL 1: Increased health regeneration
- LEVEL 1: Increased max health
- LEVEL 7: Increased health regeneration near allies
- LEVEL 7: Health regeneration boost for killing or assist kill a battleborn
Kelvin becomes a cloud of frigid air for 3 seconds, greatly increasing movement speed. Touching enemies deals 69 damage and stuns them for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 23 Seconds
- LEVEL 2: Increased shield strength
- LEVEL 3: Increasing movement speed
- LEVEL 3: Create an icy trail that slows enemies
- LEVEL 6: Increased duration when damaging major enemies
- LEVEL 8: Increased health regeneration
- LEVEL 8: Cooldown reduction
Bite an enemy, dealing 75 damage plus 15.0% of their max health up to 500. If the target is killed, Kelvin gains permanent health. Instantly kills minor enemies.
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
- LEVEL 2: Increased movement speed
- LEVEL 2: Deal bonus damage
- LEVEL 4: Life steal
- LEVEL 4: Damage convers to shield strenght
- LEVEL 4: Increased damage against slowed enemies
- LEVEL 6: Grants sublime cooldown reduction
- LEVEL 9: Cooldown reduction
- LEVEL 9: Increased damage
After a 1 second delay, Kelvin creates an impassable Ice Wall for 7 seconds that will stun nearby enemies on spawn and block movement.
Cooldown: 48 Seconds
- LEVEL 10: Cooldown reduction
- LEVEL 10: Increases wall length
- LEVEL 10: Nearby enemies are slowed
Every time Kelvin completes any skill, he temporary gains 98 shield strength.
- LEVEL 5: Increases bonus shield
- LEVEL 5: Damage reduction
During the course of a gameplay session your Battleborn will earn experience points by taking down enemies or complete challenges. By earning enough XP Points your Hero will level up and gets presented a choice between two different augmentations in the Helix skill tree. Per level you can only choose one of these skills to enhance your character’s abilities.
Kelvin’s Helix skill trees:
Increases Kelvin’s health regeneration. +7 Health Regeneration per Second
Every fourth melee hit applies a brief slow to nearby enemies. +1 Second Slow Duration
DENSITY (Unlock Rank 3)
Increases Kelvin’s maximum health. +360 Max Health
Damaging an enemy with Chomp increases Kelvin’s movement speed for a short time. +30% Movement Speed for 2 Seconds
Increases the bonus shield strength imparted by Permafrost when Kelvin activates Sublimate. +50% Permafrost Shield Strength
DIFFUSION (Unlock Rank 5)
Chomp deals bonus damage equal to 3% of Kelvin’s current health
A portion of health damage dealt by Chomp is returned to Kelvin as health. +23% Life Steal
Chomp deals increased damage against slowed enemies. +25% Damage
SHIELD SNACKER (Unlock Rank 7)
30% of the damage dealt by Chomp is returned to Kelvin as shield strength.
Increases the bonus shields imparted by Permafrost. +20% Shield Strength
Kelvin takes reduced damage when Permafrost is active. +30% Damage Reduction
While Sublimated, damaging major enemies increases the skill’s duration. Up to +3 Seconds Duration
Killing an enemy with Chomp drastically decreases Sublimate’s cooldown time. -5 Seconds Cooldown Time
Kelvin’s health regeneration rate increases when he’s near allied Battleborn. +7 Health Regeneration Per Second
Increases the push back effect of pounding the ground.
Killing or assisting against an enemy Battleborn increases Kelvin’s health regeneration rate. +150 Health Regeneration over 3 Seconds
Kelvin regenerates health faster while Sublimated. +21 Health Regeneration Per Second
Decreases Sublimate’s cooldown, allowing more frequent use. -20% Cooldown Time
Reduces the cooldown of Chomp, allowing more frequent use. -20% Cooldown Time
Increases Chomp’s maximum health bonus damage. +15% Damage
Reduces Ice Wall’s cooldown, allowing more frequent use. -20% Cooldown Time
Enemies in close range of an Ice Wall are slowed. +3 seconds Slow Duration
Increases Ice Wall total length.
Kelvin Video Guides by the Community
Kelvin Tips
- Kelvin in-depth Guide by Kitru
- Chomp is your initiator and your finisher but do not obsess about getting player kills with chomp.
- Constantly chomp minions for instant gratification. Quick bite saves lives.
- Ground pound is almost a guaranteed hit and does massive damage to a crowd.
- Only use regular melee if attacking a single target you know you are going to hit consistently.
- Staying in the fight longer is far more important than doing more damage in the fight. Kelvins main job is not to deal damage but to peel for his team – body block, stun, damage sponge, main target of most team fights. If you are using offensive gear on Kelvin, you are doing it wrong.
- chomp deals great damage against players but due to its low cooldown you can use it now and then get a minion since it will permanently increasing your maximum health
- ice wall has a long cast time use it predicatively
Images / Screenshots / Artwork
Kelvin’s Skins & Taunts Preview
Kelvin Lets Play
Lore Challenges
Deal 80,000 damage with Chomp. - THAT’S AN ICE SHIELD
Absorb 50,000 shield damage. - MIKO ARE ALL MY FRIENDS
Play 3 matches on the same team as Miko. - THE BEST DEFENSE IS DE FENCE
Stun 50 enemies with Ice Wall - MICRO MACRO MIST ME
Stun 3 enemy Battleborn with Sublimate simultaneously, 10 times.
Kid Ultra’s legendary gear is rewarded to the player when all lore challenges are completed.
Kelvin Lore
Bite-Sized Wonders
BY: researcher miko
DATE: 19921.37
TOPIC: we have found them
we have sought. we have found a remnant.
they are many. they are one. a great city but constituted as one voice.
in the remains of the Ooran darkening, they are parts. parts of a whole. many and small. microscopic, yet congregating in clouds and mist.
we must with them speak.
they exist as the many in the frozen dark and yet thrive. cold yet not frozen. we will call them ‘kelvites’.
they are many, yet they speak as one. this is incorrect. yet they persist. we will call this one ‘kelvin’.
they are not yet as ‘kelvin’ a whole. we will help make them one-and-many, restored again.
we are mikollopria. we remember.
green, green, yellow, red.
The Best Defense Is De Fence
|| UPR LOGBOOK / REPORT, ENTRY #223590727101
|| USER: Captain Trevor Ghalt
|| SUBJECT: Day Four
|| DATE: y.19958, d.225
Captain Trevor Ghalt, recording this log entry in hopes that whoever finds it might find something amusing about our frozen butts out here.
I’ve been hunting rogue Varelsi parties on Bliss with one of our newer Battleborn recruits, a being named Kelvin. Thus far, I’ve been quite impressed by Kelvin’s quick decision-making, lethal cold, and his heartwarming protective attitude. This time, though… maybe a tad much.
We’ve been tracking down Varelsi hunter patrols here, and have had a few close calls in heavy fights. Guess all that made Kelvin a bit jittery. Some indigeneous fur-covered rat-thing jumped out from behind a rock, and Kelvin… well, he got a bit over-protective.
Best I can tell, the ice walls around us are thirty feet thick, and not melting any time soon. Also, signal to the outside is poor.
Here’s to hoping Kleese gets out of his pilates appointment early, or that my new buddy Kelvin here stops being afraid of snow burras before I run out of rations or heating cells.
That's an Ice Shield
–== From the desk of P.E.A.H. IV
–== “A Task to Occupy the Mind”
–== On this, the 342nd day of 365, 19957th year by the Standard Codex Reckoning Calendar
Dear universe.
(No, bother. Scratch that. Too emotive.)
Dear space and time.
(No, still too pithy.)
Dear future self who may remember how terrible (and terribly boring) the times were in the days following the fall of Penarch.
I have acquired a new friend – friends, I should say. Two individuals in need of my aid and renowned talent for uncovering the secrets of the wily Aztanti!
My first new friend is the noted Eldrid “combat botanist” (so they say) named Miko, and I must say meeting Miko has been far more enthralling than watching the few reports available from the Arcfleet holonet.
My second new friend is a rather cold and shapeless entity, upon whom Miko has affixed the name “Kelvin” (though I still insist “Icy Cloudburst” is more appropriate!). Kelvin is the fellow in need of my help.
As Miko has described to me, Kelvin isn’t a cloud at all… well, he is, but not in the sense of “cloud” clouds. Kelvin is a swarm of microscopic sentients who (when swarmed together) can produce some semblance of single-mindedness in thought and speech. They (He? It?) are capable of transferring energy on the cellular level, rendering the areas around them immensely cold, and even icy at times.
Kelvin’s dilemma is this: he has no stable relatable shape, which makes it difficult for him to communicate well with beings around him.
Miko has asked me to help find a suitable endoskeleton to which the colony can bond, making it possible for Kelvin to manifest in a consistent physical form. I have suggested a number of known alloys to Miko, but she (it?) says Kelvin does not like the “taste” of metal. Likewise, plastic and plastic hybrids seem to be as enjoyable to Kelvin as sleeping on befouled styrene would be to me.
I have one more thought.
Aztanti relics from Bliss!
The ancients of that planet have left dozens of temples and relic caches on the planet, and those artifacts have survived for tens of thousands of years without decaying under the planet’s brutally frigid climate.
Also, Aztanti relics are known to light up beautifully in response to nearby energy sources!
Furthermore, many of the relics that have survived are the remains of skeletal Aztanti “guardians” – golem-like beings which the civilization seems to have had a penchant for constructing.
I’ve decided to send an expedition to recover one of these Aztanti relic skeletons for my icy friend, and we’ll see how well he takes to it!
Off to Bliss!
Addonexus, ho!
~~~ Phoebe ~~~
Micro Macro Mist Me
–== From the desk of P.E.A.H. IV
–== On this, the 348th day of 365, 19957th year by the Standard Codex Reckoning Calendar
<hr />
After several days of searching, our expedition has recovered a suitable Aztanti relic skeleton for my new friend Kelvin. The kelvite colony seems to be bonding incredibly well to the strangely-imbued stonework, and we could not be more pleased with the results!
Kelvin now inquires as to the overall shape he should present. I preferred something more pleasant and rounded, like those new “MX.Elite_Bot” (or as I like to call them, “fat toddler”) minions by Minion Robotics, but Miko disagreed. A few hours and several unfortunate hands later (turns out, Miko is an absolute beast at poker), we both agreed that Miko’s suggestion was more appropriate for the current needs of the universe.
And now, Kelvin has taken a shape suitable for a galaxy at war, something intimidating and more imposing.
Miko believes the bestial form hearkens to the look of the “dragons of Bliss”. (Frankly, I think he looks like a great Lorrian toad-goat.) Still, Kelvin seems pleased, so that’s that, I suppose.
~~~ Phoebe ~~~
Miko Are All My Friends
(Progress report on Kelvin’s universal translator plug-in, recorded by Gunnar Kleese. Audio attached, transcription below.)
Kleese: Chief Science Officer’s log. After a not-insignificant amount of tinkering and mad scientisting, I believe I’ve stumbled upon a solution for Kelvin’s… communication problem. The being is so telepathically powerful that tuning into his particular frequency should be no problem at all. And if I’m right – oh, listen to me, of course I’m right – we’ll be having polite conversation with our new, terrifying associate by suppertime tomorrow. Thanks, science! “You’re welcome, Mr. Kleese!”
Now then, let’s give it a go. Kelvin, please come here for a moment…
(There is a loud roaring sound from off-mic.)
Kleese: Yes, I’m sure whatever you said is VERY interesting and compelling, but just – just come over here for a second.
(Another roar, more subdued.)
Kleese: Very good. Now then… turn this dial here, adjust this doohickey… give me a level, won’t you?
(A clear and steady voice comes from off-mic, speaking in an incomprehensible alien language.)
Kleese: Not… quite. Maybe here?
(The voice is replaced with intense retching noises.)
Kleese: No, that’s definitely wrong. Let me try one more adjustment…
(Retching noises fade into a clear and strong voice, mid-verse.)
Kelvin: “I am the winter of your discontent!”
(Kelvin sighs, relieved.)
Kelvin: I am indebted to you, fellow.