War profiteers and the aristocratic merchant class of Battleborn, the Last Light Consortium (LLC) is ruthlessly efficient at squeezing out earnings – even in the face of certain extinction. In the LLC, humans, AI constructs, and cybernetic hybrids all indulge in lavish elegance. In fact, they are so absurdly rich that they value excessive demonstrations of that wealth, favoring overly-stylish design in every facet of daily living, from how they dress to their war machines.
Battleborn’s Creative Director, Randy Varnell, let us in on some secrets in designing the Last Light Consortium faction.
What influenced the design of the LLC?
If the Jennerit were originally dreamed of as “gothic Tron”, the LLC were probably best labeled early on as “Steampunk Tron.” We wanted stylish manufacturers of slick technology, but so eccentrically wealthy as to actually incorporate almost a Rococo-meets-Victorian style aesthetic into their everyday life. Frilly hoop skirts and gold embossing meet slick elegant technological lights in a design aesthetic where clean and fancy play together nicely.
What were some key features you wanted the LLC to portray?
Aloof, clean, and robotic. Among all the factions, the LLC are the only group who would stop to wax their spider sentries before shipping them off to battle. While they certainly wish to preserve the universe, if it were to come to a sudden and dramatic end, the LLC would be the group selling tickets to the live stream to watch the last battle.
All LLC characters start with that Victorian-esque design aesthetic married strongly with technological influences. Each of them incorporate some kind of slick technology into their character, if they are not in fact entirely mechanical.
On top of that, even the kindest of the LLC members have an air of aristocracy, entitlement, and affluence that cannot completely be shed; whether that means a daily assumption that someone is there to clean your dress, or firmware-held beliefs that all beings of lesser classes must be eliminated to raise the value of the remaining universe.
Can you tell us about LLC’s abilities?
Shields, shields, shields! Almost every LLC character has some set of abilities which can take advantage of shields – with a technological twist. It could be someone’s native ability to turbocharge the shields of allies or have the firepower to quickly sap enemy shields, leaving them vulnerable to attack.
While the LLC is quick to turn a profit whenever possible, they are also the purveyors of fine, equipable Gear that will score you advantages on the battlefield. Don’t be surprised to find LLC Gear which interacts with Buildable tactical structures, such as turrets and supply stations. Want a cost reduction when you build Turrets? LLC Gear. Want Supply Stations or Accelerators to have more health when you build them? LLC Gear. Want a constant increased payout of shards so you can activate more expensive Gear later, or build more Buildables? LLC Gear. Join the LLC and manipulate the economy within your games in interesting ways!