Looking for some cool Battleborn wallpapers with your favorite character on them but all the ones out there are very messy. Well, I might just have the thing for you then. Although I do also have background designs that have a bit more going on to them. For this collection of Battleborn wallpapers, I wanted to make a more slick design. Not a lot of fuzz just nice and clean. So if “less is more” is your thing I’m sure you are going to like this fanart.
Each Character wallpaper is set in the faction color of that hero. There is a little color fade to make it less plain. Also, the hero’s name and the faction name are written on there in the same font as Gearbox uses in the game. Next to this, you will find the faction logo.
I intend to make a wallpaper for every Battleborn hero but it also depends on the artwork that I can get my hands on. Also, it can take some time to create and upload them all so please be patient. In the meantime, you can check out my Battleborn Wallpaper Gallery for other badass backgrounds.
Cool Character Series
Here’s an overview of the New Battleborn Cool Character Wallpapers.