With No Battleplan and no Hotfixes for a while, what’s up with Battleborn? Well, The Creative Director has been dropping some hints here and there. One of them was yesterday’s task; check the patch notes if they are clear and well-explained as Gearbox is getting closer to a release.
Hey guys, MentalMars here with a Battleborn news update! and just like you I was looking forward to a Battleplan for the last weeks, however we did get one. So in case you don’t know what’s up, Gearbox has gone from the weekly updates to a Battleplan every other week recently. However, it seems marketing doesn’t have anything to tell us and skipped one. And that’s actually what has been going on, Marketing doesn’t have any info to tell us, yet. I know you guys are wondering what’s going on with the game. Well the developers are still working on the game, I even saw Scott, the Lead Programmer on Battleborn, digging into a bug on Twitter the other day. The Creative Director, Randy Varnell, says he still believes in its future. However, development is taking a bit longer than expected and marketing doesn’t want to make promises they can keep. In a previous interview I did with Randy Varnell he mentioned that Battleborn has gotten the biggest support team for a gearbox game to date, it’s nowhere near the size when they were in production and almost ready to release the game. And this is something he also mentioned recently on Reddit after the community feedback regarding the absence of the battleplans. Because of the limited size of the support team, each of them has to do multiple tasks and you know you can only spend your time once. Randy also gave some insight into the recent lack of hotfixes. So currently they are focused on getting a big patch done as not every problem can be solved with a hotfix. For some things, it is just changing up some numbers on the server, for example changing the amount of damage a weapon does or how much life a hero has. But for bigger changes like how things interact need a patch. Also, another noteworthy thing about the hotfixes is that Randy believes they might have had those a bit too frequently last year. They did do some testing with the amount of hotfixes and the weekly updates didn’t seem to be very effective. So the weekly hotfixes probably won’t be coming back, unless something really needs fixing of course. It was mentioned the team was evaluating a list of issues last week for a potential hotfix but nothing has come out of that yet, maybe tomorrow in the Battleplan. Battleborn isn’t forgotten or abandoned, we just have to be a bit more patient, more stuff is coming.
Thanks and I’ll see you soon with some more Battleborn content.
Update 05/25/2017
Battleplan 49 talks about an upcoming livestream that will provide more info about the upcoming patch.