Hey MentalMars here and welcome to another Battlebread update. In this blog, I will keep you up to date on the big things that happened on the site and that are about to happen. I’ll cover a bit of personal stuff but also cover topics like Battleborn, Borderlands, and the website.
I’m doing great, it’s been a bit busy at the bakery but we survived the holidays. The last month I have been spending a bit more time with the family and a bit less on content creation. But that’s probably the case for most people. I also played a lot of Super Mario Odyssey, solo and supporting my son. I’m surprised how well he is managing on his own. For the new year, I got some exciting new stuff planned and I’m working towards that. I did a test by making video content in batches. This way I can produce more content. Because I don’t always feel energetic to record the voiceover for my videos. My current “day” job has rotating shifts, so one day I’ll be working during the day and another day I have to work the night shift. This change in shift messes up my rhythm and I have to recover from that. Therefore my days aren’t always as productive as they can be.
For some time I have been noticing you guys on social media and the demand for specific merchandise. Some of you want game merchandise and others wanted some more MentalMars branded swag. Because I noticed that not everyone was up to date on the merch that is out there. Therefore I added tabs to the hub pages linking to a collection of available merchandise. So there are some Borderlands, Battleborn, and MentalMars up now. You can check out the overall merchandise section by using the link in the main navigation. I’m looking into expanding this and providing a better shopping experience.
I’m not done with Battleborn content. I got some stuff done and there are a few things still in the works.
- There are still a few wallpaper projects I want to do. I got some designs sketched out and if you follow me on social media you might have seen a few hints.
- I also got some ideas and scripts for some Battleborn videos, but I haven’t gotten around to making those.
- I did some Halloween content which you can find in the Battleborn wallpaper section. Making seasonal content was kinda fun, so that’s something that might return in the future.
- Battleborn Character select page has a new layout to make it more user-friendly. Now the default hero arrangement is on alphabetical order but you can filter them on faction.
- Battleborn Profile Pages will probably get a revision. Looking into making that a better experience.
- Great to see the Battleborn in the new Ready Player One movie trailer.
Gearbox Software shifted its focus from Battleborn to the Borderlands franchise. This is also going to happen with this website. While I still have Battleborn content planned I also have Borderlands content on my list.
- Recently I have been putting up more Borderlands Wallpapers and Borderlands 3 articles.
- I also have a few interesting articles and videos I want to produce.
- We have been looking back at some of the documentaries of Borderlands 2.
- Borderlands 2 Community Patch 4.0
- Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Community Patch 2.0
Because of my focus on other things I haven’t been able to keep up to date on Fortnite. I did add a few new Guides for Fortnite and Battle Royal.
- I made a new front-page header image which is consistent with my social media.
- I did some more color styling tweaks.
- Hitting 4M views !!!
Happy New Year and have a Badass 2018