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Borderlands 3 Release Date Confirmed

Borderlands Release Date
Borderlands Release Date

The release date for Borderlands 3 has been announced. Gearbox Software and 2K Games will release the next installment of the Borderlands franchise on September 13, 2019. The game will launch on Windows PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. The console versions will get a Physical and Digital release. The PC version will be an EPIC Games Store exclusive, after 6 months the game will also show up in other stores. So expect Borderlands 3 in April 2020.

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Just like you, I’m also wondering when Gearbox Software & 2K Games will release Borderlands 3. Thankfully we finally have gotten an official Borderlands 3 announcement. The great thing is at the end of the reveal trailer it is mentioned that we will be getting more info on April 3, 2019. Randy Pitchford even mentioned that on this day, they will lock down the release date. So hang in there a little longer, the wait is coming to an end.

I don’t want to leave you empty-handed for now. There are some clues by Gearbox & 2K with which we can make a rough estimate on when the release date for Borderlands 3 is. So let’s dive into some facts and a bit of speculation.

What is the Borderlands 3 Release window?

The next Borderlands will release in fiscal 2020. We can extract this information from the take-two financial reports. In case you don’t know take-two is the parent company of 2k games. The Fiscal 2020 year runs from April 1, 2019, to March 31, 2020. Therefore the Borderlands 3 release date will be somewhere between those dates (duh).

Can we narrow down the release date?

Gearbox and 2K Games have been pretty quiet about the next Borderlands until now. For a long time, we have heard; “A game that hasn’t been announced yet doesn’t exist”. However, Randy Pitchford also said on the Nerdvada Podcast that time between announcing a game and releasing a game has gotten shorter these days than a few years back.  From what I have seen over the years is, that the last 6 months towards the release of a game the marketing machine really goes into overdrive. It hasn’t been uncommon that a game gets announced at E3 and is for sale later that year in Q4. If we take that 6 months marketing strategy that would push a potential release in Q3 2019.

When can we expect to see more of Borderlands 3?

During the reveal of Borderlands 3, it has already been mentioned that more info will come out on April 3, 2019. I strongly believe that we will see this game show up at every major game event. In June at E3 the game will get a kickass trailer and a playable demo, here you can probably play with 2 Vault Hunters. Gamescom & PAX in August will share a second playable demo, this event we will be able to play as the other 2 Vault Hunters. I think these events will get their own unique trailer. While this is speculation, I’m going off of the marketing strategy 2K used for Borderlands the Pre-Sequel and Battleborn.

Today I saw that Ki11erSix and Joltzdude139 announced that they are part of the Borderlands stream team. So expect to see gameplay by 2 of the most beloved Borderlands streamers before the game gets released.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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39 2


  1. Such a Great contribution to the pressing question!Super cool M.M.?

  2. @Gearbox is playing it smart. The game is pretty much complete from what I’ve seen but instead of showi… https://t.co/2LNraFbfgj

  3. Good article and some exciting speculation. Borderlands seems like the perfect way to kick off a sales… https://t.co/T0BglhxfEC

  4. I think the release date will be 10th October. There’s two hints within the trailer that points to 01-1… https://t.co/TKDJHj2CTR

  5. Anyone else notice a complete lack of Mr Torgue references…


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