Emily Swan, the Girl that lived, a true legend in the Borderlands universe and she is seemingly going to return in Borderlands 4.
Her miraculous story began 10 years ago in Borderlands the Pre-sequel as we could find hidden Echologs telling the life story of this young girl and in this video we are going to look at her next chapter.
However, before we can look ahead we need to go back to the beginning becaus our story begins on Elpis.
Emily Swan was a sick girl who was on her way to the afterlife as Nurse Nina wasn’t able to help her, however, a mysterious guardian known as the Watcher stepped in and gave Emily a new life as a purple glow emitted from the infirmary.
This Purple glow is where the next chapter begins because it’s the foundation to the Borderlands 4 theories that have been going on because guess what the new playable Siren in Borderlands 4 has purple tattoos.
Are they connected or is it simply wishfullfillment.
So let’s look at the evidence that is presented to us and see if these theories have any means of justification.
Let’s start with the basic question; is Emily Swan a Siren. Well we don’t know because there isn’t much to evidence other than that the Watcher did his magic thingy. What powers does the Watcher excactly have as they are know for standing around and you know watching over things.
The only things we do know is that the Watcher can apparently stop bullets mid flight and revive the dying… so is The Watcher Neo from the Matrix?
But another question is; How did Emily Swan end up on Kairos?
The planet Kairos has been hidden for ages as mentioned by Lead Borderlands 4 writer, Sam Winkler, at the PAX Developer Panel, BLTPS is 10 years old at this point, wouldn’t Sam rather have said a dicenia if it was referencial?
I was under the impression that we are going to discover something that has been hidden as ancient as the Eridian themselves as Niriad talks about the Timekeeper in her Echologs and her events played out well before the first game way before you and I started our Vault Hunting journey in Borderlands 1.
So I think that Emily didn’t discovered Kairos before Lilith crashed the moon into the planet.
Did Emily get teleported there as Lilith phasewalked the moon? But Emily’s mother was told that they should leave Elpis. Did Emily return to Elpis because she was homesick?
Get it he he because she was sick in.. okay never mind.
There is likely a 6 year gap between Borderlands 3 and Borderlands 4 as this is traditionally the case with the main games in the Borderlands franchise. So there is definitly room for Emily to have made her way to the planet.
But a most important question is; why would the Watcher create a Siren as it is known that the Guardians can’t control Sirens and the Guardians are steering the flow of events in the Borderlands universe.
Some theories even go as wild as saying Emily Swan is the 7th Siren. Yeah, let’s summon a thing that is to be feared and it’s unconrolable. Good plan, we were told by Niriad to never look for the 7th Siren, so why would the Watcher be motivated to create a Siren as it would litterlay undermine their whole objective to keep the Vaults – like those of the Destroyer – safe as Sirens are drawn to it.
And if Emily Swan was a Siren, why would she visit Kairos. The Timekeeper’s dictatorship isn’t really appealing or are you going to say that her Siren roots are drawing her to the Timekeeper’s Vault because you know it has the power to turn back time. So we can revive the fallen heroes from the past.
No, she is going to go back in time tell everyone to Bookmark to this site because you have been missing out because you have been missing out and then she will prevent the Watcher’s mistake by not making her a Siren.