Gearbox Software and 2K Games just announced Borderlands the Handsome Edition. This bundle contains Borderlands 2 and Borderlands the Pre-Sequel including all their downloadable content. But one thing is missing from this pack and that’s the original borderlands. Rumor has it that a Remastered Edition is on its way, however, there hasn’t been an official announcement to this date.
Pandora’s box
Fans were hoping for an Ultimate Collection Box containing all the Borderlands games in one bundle. Sadly this Pandora’s box stays closed for now. Instead, the Handsome Collection focuses on the Rise and Fall of Handsome Jack.
That leaves us with the question of when will we see borderlands Remastered?
Gearbox Software has a community day every year and this time the event is a part of PAX South which takes place on January 25, 2015. GBX did release a schedule on which we can see that Borderlands is part of the presentation. It clearly states the Past, Present & Future of Borderlands.
In an earlier blog post, I thought this could simply mean that Gearbox Software could tell something about upcoming DLC and a Shift Event for Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. Now we know they will shine a light on the Handsome Collectio and how Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel will be playable on the next-gen consoles, Xbox One & PlayStation 4.
It seems that 2K AUS didn’t need a lot of time porting the previous two installments to the new generation consoles. That said, the PS4 and Xbox One are almost PCs.
What kind of port will Borderlands Remastered be, will it be a quick one without any real changes and will we see it at the end of this year?
Perhaps Gearbox Software and 2K AUS decide that the original game needs to be upgraded to the Borderlands 2 design and systems? This could mean that we might see the Remastered version even later. Maybe a year after the release of Borderlands the Handsome Edition.
What kind of port would you like to see?
I would like to see the old game running on the new engine. With added particle effects and some added detail to the environments. But I would like them to keep true to the original game. They should overcome some flaws from the original game. Like loot drops and fast travel points in the DLC areas.
In the first game, your missions were mainly given to you through text. It would be an upgrade if they added audio logs like Borderlands 2.
Gearbox Software is also working on a new franchise called Battleborn. Will they be able to manage all that work? A new franchise, the new Borderlands games include DLC and support.
Well Gearbox CEO, Randy Pitchford teases us with a tweet after the announcement of Borderlands the Handsome Edition:
So maybe the Borderlands Remastered Edition will come earlier? Let me know what you think and if you want the original Borderlands to get a straight-up port or a rework with the new engine. Let me know in the comments or via social media
Update: February 2, 2015
Some new light has shined on this discussion and Randy Pitchford has given some more information about Borderlands Remastered and the Handsome Collection that is coming to Xbox One & Playstation 4.