Hey super fan,
The last few weeks have been pretty good. I have been able to get a lot of content up on the site. There is still a lot more that I want to do and I’m focused on getting that done. However, I don’t want to neglect my family, and that’s why I haven’t booted up my Youtube channel so I have a better life balance.
Borderlands 3
I added a bunch of borderlands 3 legendary items to the weapons list. Weapons that I previously placed at the bottom of the things-to-do list recently got super relevant. Because with the latest borderlands 3 hotfixes, Gearbox Software buffed the Lob, the Woodblocker, and a few more.
The Gearbox main theater show at PAX East brought us a lot of exciting announcements. I covered them all throughout the last couple of days. I’m really looking forward to DLC 2: Guns, Love, and Tentacles. The other DLCs sound interesting but not a lot of details were given out about those. However, even if you watched the presentation and think you know all the details. I got some additional stuff up on my site. Because in conjunction with the announcements, Gearbox Software and 2K Games held interviews with a few gaming sites. I scavenged the internet to find these additional info nuggets. I hope you appreciate the effort.
I planned to do an interview with Vanessa about her job as a level designer. I got several questions lined up, however, I haven’t sent them in yet. I found out that she worked on the upcoming DLC. Therefore, I thought I hold off on it until I played the new story campaign add-on. I think this could be very interesting.
More Borderlands 3 guides are in the works. If you have seen my tweet. Making guides is hard because you get consumed by the game and enjoy playing it and therefore forget to just capture the footage you needed.
Battleborn day is coming up. While most of my current viewers are into Borderlands 3 at the moment. I personally have a weak spot for gearbox’ previous game, Battleborn. Therefore, in celebration of this game’s anniversary, I’m going to make some content for it.
Thank you for all your support