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Get your MoxxTails with Moxxi’s Happy Hour

Moxxi's Happy Hour - MoxxTails
Moxxi's Happy Hour - MoxxTails

Always wanted to order something to drink at Moxxi’s Bar in Borderlands 2? Well in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, Miss Moxxi runs the ‘Up & Over’ Bar on the moon Elpis. Here you can buy MoxxTails, your local booze buff. Drinking these babies will give you some increased stats in the game.

Don’t worry you can now boost your gamer’s life during Moxxi’s Happy Hour! Try out these babies for a Real Game Changer.

  • +100% Badass
  • +50% Luck
  • +25% Confidence
  • +10% Performance
  • +5% Motion sickness

Lemon Lime and Bullets

Moxxi's Happy Hour - Lemon Lime and Bullets

Welcome back, Sugar! Did you just spend a few sweltering hours chasing bandits around the Dust? Try out the special of the day: The Lemon, Lime and Bullets! A cool and refreshing little number that sneaks up on you when you least expect it.


Gargle Blaster

Episode 2 - Gargle Blaster

Has your life been lacking in adventure? Are your cocktails simply not living up to your high standards and tolerance leveles? DON’T PANIC! The Gargle Blaster is widely regarded as the best drink in existence, and let me tell you sugar… It didn’t get that name for nothing.
A cautionary note before we get started: NEVER drink more than two. Trust me sugar, you don’t have the constitution for it.


Tinder Snowflake

Moxxi's Happy Hour - Tinder Snowflake

Wishing you a very happy Mercenary Day this year, sugar! Family get togethers around the holidays are always an adventure, but if you’re in need of a bit of liquid courage, I’ve got a little somethin to lend a helping hand.

Written by
I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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