Welcome to the channel update for April May June July. Yes, July. I started making some notes back in April as I intended to do a channel update every month. However, I never got around to finalizing this post and therefore it didn’t get published. Since my time has been limited, I prioritized other stuff and did make a bunch of content for the site in the meantime.
Channel Update
- Battleborn
- Borderlands 3
- Guns, Love, & Tentacles Review
- Guns, Love, and Tentacles Guides
- Added DLC 2 Legendary items to the site
- Added new Borderlands 3 Character builds (more incoming)
- Interview with GBX Level Designer, Vanessa.
- Bounty of Blood Review
- Bounty of Blood Guides
- Added DLC 3 Legendary items to the site
- Updated the Borderlands 3 Roadmap
- Added more legendary items to the site and updated the Farmable Bosses article.
- Covered the launch of Mayhem Mode 2.0
- Added some beginners info for new players
- Updated a bunch of articles with new info
- Godfall
- Added a HUB for Godfall to the site
- Wrote a bunch of articles covering the essentials.
Personal update
I hope you are doing well and staying healthy. With everything that has been going on in the world, I wanted to give you an update on how things are going on my end. Normally, I try and stick to the gaming topics but since the pandemic is affecting us all, I’ll share some behind-the-scenes activities.
You probably know that I’m a baker and create content in my spare time. Since my job is assigned as ‘essential’, I still have to go to work 5 days a week. Production has gone through the roof as people started hoarding. This has slowed down over the course of these last 2 weeks as people are starting to realize that it isn’t necessary to create your own stockpile.
My wife also works in an essential sector so this is where things are tough with the kids. My oldest son had to be homeschooled when the schools were on lockdown. And baby Mike is an adventurer and not slowing down. He started walking when he was only 6 months old. In the meantime, he’s able to climb up on things and grab everything that’s high up. Having a second child has cut into my spare time and the situation these days hasn’t made things easier. Because the kids already had a cold before the outbreak they already sneezed. therefore, daycare didn’t allow them and our parents are at a high-risk age, therefore, we couldn’t bring them to see their grandparents.
In short, things have been really busy, juggling all aspects of life. As Holland is slowly opening up, more and more, things are getting a bit back to normal.
Battleborn Day
Battleborn Day happened. The last one while still being able to play the game. Organizing this year’s event was a struggle with everything going on in my life. Luckily, I had the week off from work. Didn’t plan that break on the fact that Battleborn Day was coming up but because my son didn’t have to go to school that week. Therefore, I was able to do a bunch of stuff with Lowlines and Beya. While I did write an Origin story about Oscar Mike, I also had an article outlined for Igo-Lorr but didn’t have time to fully realize that one.
Gearbox is publishing Godfall and this game has sparked my interest. Therefore, I started a new HUB Page for Godfall. Here I will keep you up to date on the latest developments about this game. GBX influencer managers have reached out on social media if any content creators are interested in the game and I have contacted them that I want to be in the loop. I did do a bunch of content these last few days. So If you are interested you should definitely check it out. This game is a Looter-Slasher.
I’m testing out a new ad agency for a little while now so you might have noticed new advertising elements on the site. I have always used Google AdSense because it has a low barrier of entry and I already had an account because of my youtube channel. However, because ~84% of the visitors on my site use an ad-blocker the site isn’t really making much money. I would love to cut hours in the bakery and work on the site more. Eventually, do this full-time but at this rate, I’ll probably retire before I can make the switch. All I can do is ask if you are running an ad-blocker, is to put my site on your whitelist. I know some of the ad blockers also break some of the elements up on the site. So if you were wondering why some menus or download buttons don’t show up. It’s because of your ad-blocker stopping certain scripts from working.