I found the best thing ever, you can call it an Easter Egg or a reference, but I like to call it an achievement because there is something inside Battleborn that points toward me, MentalMars.
You guys know that I have been following Battleborn from the day it got announced, on July 8th, 2014. Two days later I made my first Battleborn wallpaper and posted it online on my birthday July 11th. After this, I started making more Battleborn-related content. When the E3 2015 trailer hit I started making Battleborn YouTube content because I found all these awesome hidden details that no one was talking about. Little hints resulted in speculation articles and some of my predictions came true.
Talking with some of the people from Gearbox and 2K games during my journey did point out that they liked my content and all the energy I was putting into this. But that all of my efforts would result in this wasn’t something I was suspecting.
How to Unlock MentalMars Easter Egg
You can complete lore challenges for each Battleborn hero. If you unlock Reyna’s top left challenge “Make it Reyna” by absorbing 25.000 damage with her ultimate ability. You will be rewarded with a chat log and one of the persons in that conversation is called “mentalmarmot”.
This is a nod to my Gamertag MentalMars and the favorite animal of Battleborn’s creative director, Randy Varnell.
My Thoughts
So there you have it, I’m in a game that is totally badass. A little boy’s dream has come true. When I was working on my Borderlands wallpapers and made over 200 of them I thought what if this resulted in getting my own easter egg in a Borderlands game?
So this kinda became an unobtainable goal for me. You know the one you want to reach but know that you never reach the goal but still shrive for.
Now that I achieved this I’m wondering what my next goal could be. It would be great if I could make or get a job out of this. I also wanted to visit the E3, so maybe next year?
Well, all this is made possible because of the great feedback of all of you which has kept me going. So thank you!!!