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MentalMars on Google News

MentalMars on Google News
MentalMars on Google News

You can now also get my news updates through Google News. So if you are browsing the latest news articles and also want to be updated with relevant gaming content, then add Me(ntalMars) to your favorites on Google News. I noticed that more and more people are finding out about the site through Google News. As there is a steady increase of visitors coming through there.

Personally, I also noticed that I started using the ‘discover’ section more frequently on my mobile phone while browsing in Google Chrome. Checking what some of the bigger gaming sites write about the games that I follow. I thought it would be great if my site would be amongst these resources.

Google News is relatively easy to support and if it makes your life easier, why not support it? There are days that Google News brings more people to the site than other social media channels. There are currently 3 sections on my Google Newsfeed.

  • News
    • Here you can get the latest news updates for all the games. I might create individual feeds for each game in the future. But that might require some changes to the site in order to support that.
  • Guides
    • Here you can find all the new guides to help you on your way.
  • Wallpapers
    • I know it has been a while since I released a new wallpaper but this is something I want to do down the line.

I noticed that images aren’t working properly in the Google Newsfeed. This will probably get fixed down the line. I’m still experimenting with some of the settings. I’m also considering upgrading the site to better support Google News.

MentalMars on Google News

Written by
I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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