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Big Hollywood Movie Star Shouts Out MentalMars

Ariana Greenblatt aka Tiny Tina in the Borderlands Movie Shoutout MentalMars
Ariana Greenblatt aka Tiny Tina in the Borderlands Movie Shoutout MentalMars

I received a shout-out by Ariana Greenblatt

Ariana Greenblatt, the actress that plays Tiny Tina in the upcoming Borderlands Movie, tweeted out my artwork of her in the Tiny Tina outfit. So, folks, I have made it to Hollywood, I can retire now :P.

Sometimes, I wonder if I spend too much time on my thumbnails and if it is all worth it. Things like this show me that I spend my time well.

Thanks, Ariana, looking forward to seeing you on the big screen!

My Tiny Tina Artwork

I use this artwork as one of my thumbnails here on the site. For this, I photoshopped one of Ariana’s press photos. First I cut out the background and ran the image through a paintbrush filter. This way you kinda get the hand-painted look that the Borderlands games are known for. And of course, there needs to be a black outline around the “character”.

Then I layered the Tiny Tina assets over her. I actually got these from the Borderlands 3 Cosplay Guides. This was a relatively simple cut-out process and placing them at the correct scale over Ariana. I made sure beforehand that the assets that I wanted to use also would fit the angle Ariana is posing in.

Now I needed a good image for the background. Tiny Tina is known for her explosions, so I booted up Borderlands 3 and took some photo’s from Psychos getting blown up. This also gave me the color pallet that I needed to use to add a bit of a glow to Ariana. This makes it more believable that she is part of the environment.

That leaves us with some final details. A bit of color correction. Adding some more linework on Ariana’s face, around the eyes and nose. I also added a bit of a glow and lens flare to the Tiny Tina headpiece she is wearing. Ariana already nailed the Tiny tina pink lipstick, therefore, I didn’t need to adjust this.

Another nice detail is the paw print underneath her eye. It’s a small detail but Tiny Tina has it in the game but as a fan, I just had to take it a step further. I know I spend a lot of time on my thumbnails. Looking at the images other media use, they are just lazy. Some even use wallpapers from my site and slap a cutout of the actor on top of it. But mostly it’s just 2 images next to each other with the actor stock photo on the left and an image of the game character on the right.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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