Battleborn has a huge amount of loot and it’s often asked what the best piece of gear is. And is on its self is very debatable it all depends on your chosen hero and play style. Do you boost the stats that your character already exceeds in or do try and negate their weaknesses? Well for this list I’m going over the top 10 legendary gear items that you should check out in Battleborn.
Legendary Gear can be acquired randomly through gear packs but if you want a specific piece of gear you can also start farming the bosses in the story mode. Because each boss will have specific loot drops assigned to them. You have a chance of getting these by playing on Normal or Advanced difficulty. While some boss legendary items drop on both difficulty settings there are also items that only drop on the Advanced difficulty setting.
Boss Drop Legendary Items
Symbiotic Gauntlet
Mission: The Sentinel
Boss: Guardian Arc
Difficulty: Normal or Advanced
The Symbiotic Gauntlet is the best attack damage legendary in the game. This goes for ranged characters and for melee characters. It also comes with a bunch of max hp, which is one of the best survivability stats as well.
Stolen Edge of Arcvynorr
Mission: The Sentinel
Boss: The Old Sentinel
Difficulty: Advanced
While being tied for gear with the best attack speed, the Stolen Edge of Arcvynorr is significantly easier to get than the Vow of Zealous Fury. In PvP Matches I always have that feeling that I need to get to places just a bit faster. So that movement speed increase helps you out with that. With the winter update the VoZF legendary effect now only lasts for 5 seconds.
Vyn’s Quiver
Mission: The Sentinel
Boss: Guardian Vyn
Difficulty: Normal or Advanced
The Vyn’s Quiver is an excellent utility piece for characters that need to reload. This legendary can provide a lot of health regen as well as a lot of reload speed. It’s a great way to get some health regen on characters that don’t have any other way to heal themselves while still getting the benefit of that extra reload speed. It’s even better in PvP when you’re probably using one of your loadout slots for a free shard generator and need to cram as much as you can into your two remaining slots.
Vigilant Power Scouter
Mission: The Sentinel
Boss: The Old Sentinel
Difficulty: Normal or Advanced
The Vigilant Power Scouter is the best critical damage item in the game. Just like with the Symbiotic Gauntlet, it gives you excellent damage increases while also providing a massive additional amount of HP.
Bola’s Target Finder
Mission: The Experiment
Boss: Supervisor Antem
Difficulty: Advanced
The Bola’s Target Finder is the gold standard of skill damage legendaries because its legendary effect is absolutely amazing. The secondary stat is also one of the best attack stats for most characters.
Firmware Update 1.51C
Mission: The Algorithm
Boss: Geoff
Difficulty: Normal or Advanced
With each Battleborn hero, you want to spam your skills as much as you can because these are the things that make them unique and powerful. The Firmware Update 1.51C is an amazing piece of gear to bring that cooldown time back to zero. The sprint speed helps you get into position fast to fire off your next skill on your opponents in PvP.
Aria’s Encore
Story Operation: Attikus and the Thrall Rebellion
Boss: Aria
While Aria’s Encore is only useful in the Story Operations (DLC Missions) this legendary item is a powerful one. With a great way to boost your skills and skill damage.
Gear Pack Legendary Items
These legendary gear items are a bit more difficult to obtain because loot is randomly generated with each gear pack and your chance of getting a legendary is slim. Only Legendary Gear packs have a guaranteed chance of dropping a legendary item. Your best way of narrowing the drop chance is running the story operations and getting 100 OPS Points for a Commander faction pack. These only give out gear from a specific faction and have a high chance of giving out legendary items.
Voxis Core
Faction: Jennerit
The Voxis Core is an absolutely incredibly powerful legendary, all of your skills suddenly gain a 15% AoE around any target they hit. A target can only be hit by this 15% AoE damage once per skill used, but, when you’re using skills on clustered groups of enemies, you’re talking about a 15% increase in damage dealt (on top of the skill damage secondary stat). Comically enough, the primary stat isn’t what makes it particularly useful. It’s not as generally useful as some other legendaries but, for those characters that like it, it’s absolutely devastating.
Pain-2-Gain Re-Knitter
Faction: UPR
The Pain-2-Gain Re-Knitter is an incredibly powerful piece of survivability gear. If you can recover from the damage you take (without dying), you’ll get 2 primary stats worth of hp on top of a nice chunk of damage reduction.
The Breadstick
Faction: Community
The Breadstick is obviously the most overpowered piece of gear. Its legendary effect significantly increases the chance of encountering a MentalMarmot and that is just all that you want. Sadly it’s not in the game but is a community-created piece of gear to acknowledge their efforts towards the Battleborn Communtiy. So thank you lowlines and everyone else for making this possible.