Where can I find Donkey Mong in Borderlands 2?
Donkey Mong is Named Enemy in Borderlands 2. He is located in the Eridium Blight region on the Planet Pandora. You have a 50% chance of encountering him in 1 of 2 locations.
Which legendary item does Donkey Mong drop?
Donkey Mong doesn’t have any legendary items assigned to him, therefore, you can better hunt down his brother King Mong who drops the Badaboom.
How to get the “Definitely an Italian Plumber” Achievement?
You need to defeat Donkey Mong in order to get the “Definitely an Italian Plumber” Achievement. He randomly spawns in the Eridium Blight region.
How to Complete the “Tie Clip” Challenge?
You need to cut Donkey Mong’s tie without being hit by his barrels. This requires you to get close and interact with his tie as Melee attacks will not work.