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Red Jabber Location Guide – Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 - Rare Spawn - Red Jabber
Borderlands 3 - Rare Spawn - Red Jabber

Enemy Description

Red Jabber is ‘Named Enemy’ in Borderlands 3. She used to be a ‘Rare Spawn’ and not always show up, however, Gearbox Software changed the spawn rate to 100%.  You can get the side mission “Kill Power Troopers” from the bounty board on Sanctuary III.

Red Jabber Location

You can find Red Jabber on the map, Ambermire on the planet Eden-6. When you fast-travel to the map by using the first station you need to keep to the right. You will find a small settlement in The Moist Hoist area, a tink called Red Jabber will spawn there alongside a bunch of other enemies.

Red Jabber Location Guide - Borderlands 3

Red Jabber Location Guide – Borderlands 3

Red Jabber Loot Pool

You can farm the Red Jabber for these legendary weapons as they are the dedicated loot source for these items. The Red Jabber has a ~10% legendary drop chance.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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