Where can I find Scraptrap Prime in Borderlands 3?
Scraptrap Prime is a Boss in DLC1 of Borderlands 3. You encounter this robot in the Compactor on The Handsome Jackpot. They are located in the Refuse Ridge area.
Which legendary items does Scraptrap Prime drop?
You can farm Scraptrap Prime for the Boomer and the Lucky 7 as it is the dedicated loot source for these items. Scraptrap Prime’s legendary items have a 50% drop chance. You can re-farm the Scraptraps by going outside and waiting on the ledge a second before going back in.
Additional Resources
- Farmable Bosses and their legendary loot
- All Borderlands 3 Legendary Items
- Best Legendary Weapons
- Anointed Weapon and Gear Guide