This build for FL4K by Moxsy was centered around Dominance but with the Mesmer grenade mod, you basically have a pocket Dominance grenade. This way you don’t have to fully spec into the blue tree and use those skill points for other stuff.
Enemies will focus their attacks on the enemy that is in your control and when you combine this with the ‘Not my Circus’ augment, you have 2 things that draw agro. This way enemies will not focus on you and therefore you can spec into a lot of damage skills. By equipping the Front Loader, you can benefit from the “While below 50% health, gain 150% Radiation Damage” anointment. Because of the Skill Head Count, you want weapons with a high fire rate and high pellet count.
- Action Skill + Pet
- Fade Away
- Spiderant Scorcher
- Augments
- Not My Circus
- …
- Weapons
- Artifact
- Class Mod
- Grenade Mod
- Shield