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FL4K Radiation Sickness 2.0 Build

Borderlands 3 | Radiation FL4K Build 2.0 (Mayhem 4 Crushing! + Game Save)
Borderlands 3 | Radiation Sickness FL4K Build (Boss/Mob Shredding!) by Joltzdude139

This build for FL4K will focus on Radiation, therefore you will be using the ‘Gamma burst’ action skill and layering radiation gear on top of that. By equipping an ‘elemental projector’ artifact you will deal 90% bonus elemental damage to any element that you are suffering from. By applying radiation damage to yourself by you can trigger this effect on command. Just shoot the ground with a radiation weapon that deals splash damage. You can negate the negative impact of the self-inflicted damage by having the legendary ‘Red Suit’ equipped. This shield has a 100% radiation resistance. This way you can have all the benefits of the 90% bonus damage and don’t kill yourself in the process.

Gear Loadout

Skill Tree

Original Build

FL4K Radiation Sickness Build SKill Tree - Borderlands 3
FL4K Radiation Sickness Build SKill Tree – Borderlands 3

Updated 2.0 Build

FL4K - Radiation 2.0 Build Skill Tree by Joltzdude139 - Borderlands 3
FL4K – Radiation 2.0 Build Skill Tree by Joltzdude139 – Borderlands 3

Save File


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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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