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Moze “Firehawk” Build – Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 | Firehawk Moze Build (Crushes Mayhem 10 + Game Save)
Firehawk Moze Build by Joltzdude139

The Firehawk build for Moze doesn’t revolve around Iron Bear. So you don’t have to spam your action skill to trigger boosts. Since Mayhem Level 10 increased the difficulty significantly you have to step up your game and with this build, you can crush your opponents. The Firehawk build doesn’t resolve around the Vampyr skill. All you need is the legendary Sandhawk sniper rifle. When you play on Mayhem Level 10, you are going to need anointments on your gear. The new Anoint “While under 50% health, deal 150% bonus radiation damage.” really helps out on Mayhem 10. When you combine this anoint with the Deathless artifact, you will always have this bonus and therefore more than double your damage output. The Snowshoe shield can create cryo novas when you slide into an enemy. This will drain your shield, however, because you are using the bloodletter class mod, the 30% lifesteal from the shield will go back into your shield. If you use a snowdrift deathless artifact you can use the snowball from the artifact to trigger the shield’s special legendary effect. The skill tree will also play into the low health and shield regeneration gameplay loop. For bosses, you want to equip a tanky shield, like the Old God. Since this build doesn’t resolve around action skill end anointments, you can use any item on Iron Bear that you like.



Moze - Firehawk Build Skill Tree - Borderlands 3

Moze – Firehawk Build Skill Tree – Borderlands 3

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