Zane Level 65 Build
This is a Zane Build by Ki11erSix. This is his BEST Zane build yet, it can solo everything in the game with minimal effort. Even the Guardian Takedown is a piece of cake with this build. The build focuses heavily on the Radiation and Cryo element, therefore, it’s called Nuclear Winter. It took K6 about 5 days total to farm all the gear for this build. While this is an overview of all the base equipment, K6 has you covered and added a bunch of additional gear in the Save File.
- Action Skill
- Clone
- Schadenfreude
- Which one is Real?
- Bad Dose
- Winter’s drone
- Barrier
- Charged Relay
- All-Rounder
- Clone
- Weapons
- Artifact
- Class Mod
- Grenade Mod
- Shield
- Frontloader (uRAD Setup)
- Plus Ultra (Double your Health)
Zane Nuclear Winter Skill Tree
PC Game Save
Want the SAVE FILE for PC? Head over to and join the server. He keeps all of his save files in the Game Saves channel there!