Zane Build
This Zane Build by Triple G is able to melt Hemivorous the Invisible (DLC6) within a few minutes. So any LVL65 content on Mayhem 10 or 11 can be done with this build. The Zanestorm build uses the MNTIS Cannon and the Clone to trigger the anoints and do as much damage as possible. While spec-ing into the Hitman skill tree, this build doesn’t use the drone.
- Action Skill
- MNTIS Cannon
- Colder Shoulder
- Brain Drain
- Clone
- Doppelbanger
- Which One’s Real?
- MNTIS Cannon
- Weapons
- Sandhawk (Good for the clone)
- Lightshow
- Free Radical
- Artifact
- Class Mod
- Grenade Mod
- Shield
- Re-Volter (Action Skill Start Anoint)