Build Description
This is a Zane Build by Moxsy where you work together with your clone rather than just relying on the damage from your clone. The Zanezerker build is a tribute to the Gunzerker from Borderlands 2 as you won’t have to reload and can just keep shooting. Because this setup is based around the ‘While Digi-Clone is active, gain 30% ammo regeneration per second’ anointment. This anoint is so powerful that you are able to sustain your ammo and keep shooting indefinitely. While you sacrifice by not using a damage anoint, this actually lets you fire weapons that you would normally couldn’t sustain. So you are dealing more damage because you don’t need to reload and it lets you play the game in a new way.
Sidenote: Doesn’t work on COV weapons.
- Action Skill
- MNTIS Cannon
- Colder Shoulder
- No Way Out
- Digi-Clone
- Schadenfreude
- Dopplebanger
- MNTIS Cannon
- Weapons
- Digi-Clone Weapons
- Artifact
- Ice Breaker Victory Rush (Recommended)
- Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge
- Class Mod
- Grenade Mod
- Shield
- Re-Volter (Action Skill Start Anoint)