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2nd Borderlands 3 DLC and more at Pax East

Gearbox Main Theater Show Pax East 2020
Gearbox Main Theater Show Pax East 2020

Gearbox Main Theater Show

Gearbox Software will reveal the 2nd story campaign add-on for Borderlands 3 at PAX East. You can watch the live show from home on the official Borderlands Twitch channel, as well as on the Gearbox TwitchMixerYouTube channels. Gearbox Main Theater Show at PAX East starts: February 27 — 11:30 AM PST / 2:30 PM EST / 7:30 PM GMT, February 28 — 3:30 AM CST, 6:30 AM AEDT.

Returning Vault Hunters

In the official announcement, Gearbox Software and 2K Games tease us that this upcoming DLC will feature …

Borderlands 3 fans can expect a full reveal of the second paid campaign add-on following Moxxi’s Heist of The Handsome Jackpot, featuring… well, that would ruin the suspense.

During the pre-launch marketing campaign, ki11six had an interview with creative director Paul Sage. He confirmed that Gaige would not be in the main game. However, Paul added that DLCs would be great opportunities to bring back everyone’s favorite character into the Borderlands 3 timeline. So there are a lot of potential characters that could make a return. Maybe you have found the echologs from Krieg in Borderlands 3. After the events with Maya, he could have an interesting story arc to go through. Maybe we even play another game of Bunkers and Badasses with Tina to deal with that. Although, I don’t want Gearbox to recycle the old content. However, Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep was a really great DLC.

Disclaimer: speculation = speculation

Gearbox Main Theater Show

During the Main Theater Show Gearbox will also tell us more about their future plans and give us a roadmap at what’s coming up later this year. It was mentioned that they will go over Mayhem Mode 2.0 which is currently planned to release somewhere in March. Mayhem Mode 2.0 is going to rework the current Mayhem Mode and will focus on buffs instead of nerfing your character.

It was mentioned that the Echocast Twitch extension will receive an update in March. Therefore, it is likely that they will show that off. A Moxxi-themed Event was first teased during Guardian Con 2019. It would let you mix up buff or debuff cocktails for the streamer. Btw. I recently did do an interview with Scott who is behind the EchoCast.

While we are still talking about buffs. The 2nd Story Campaign addon would also include additional skill points. This means that we potentially could spec into 2 end tier skills and create even more destructive builds. Unless they implement a feature that only lets you choose 1 capstone skill XD.

Gearbox Publishing

Warning! This is the Gearbox Main Theater Show. Which means that things other than Borderlands can be shown. I’m not talking about Randy’s magic show. Gearbox isn’t just a developer anymore, they are also a publisher. It is possible they could show 3rd party titles they are currently publishing like Godfall. Which would tie nicely into the theme since it’s a looter-slasher.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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