Aaron Cooper from 2K Games gathered questions from the community about Battleborn during E3 2015. He then took our burning questions and did an exclusive interview with Chris Thomas, Producer at 2K, and Melissa Miller, Director of Product Development at 2K, at the E3 2015 Booth.
Battleborn Community Questions:
These are the burning questions Aaron collected from Social Media and asked the representatives.
- What is Battleborn all about?
- How does Gearbox Software come up with so many characters?
- How is Battleborn different from Borderlands?
- Will we get all the characters from the start?
- Would Guardians of the Galaxy characters be at home in the Battleborn Universe?
- Splitscreen co-op, yah or nah ?
- How easy is it for non-FPS players to pick up Battleborn?
- What is the name of the Bird Guy (Cyborg Hawkman) in the Trailer?
- Will there be a loot system?
For more Battleborn Q&A check out the FAQ Section.