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Battleborn Heroes Appear in ‘Ready Player One” Movie!

More Battleborn in Ready Player One
More Battleborn in Ready Player One

Ready Player One is a science-fiction movie by Steven Spielberg. The people in the movie escape from their daily reality by logging onto a virtual reality MMO game. There they become the avatar of their choice. There are unique avatars for the movie but there are a lot of pop-culture references. Therefore you will also see a lot of noteworthy video game characters. I have spent hours going frame-by-frame through all the footage and documented all the Battleborn Heroes that are in the movie; Ready Player One.

Ready Player One Trailer 1 Breakdown

READY PLAYER ONE - Official Trailer 1 [HD]

A lot of video game heroes make a cameo during the Ready Player One trailers. In the first trailer, we saw Duke Nukem and in the second trailer, there are three Battleborn heroes that rally up for Battle.

1:56El DragónEl Dragón is easily spotted on the left. He looks to be carrying a  hammer of some kind.
1:57TobyToby is barely visible in the trailer. You can see him right after you spot El Dragón as he is at the bottom of the screen. However, because the camera pans the image is a bit blurred, but you can recognize his color, shape, spikes, and yellow booster glowing parts. 
2:05AmbraAmbra is also tugged away behind some other noteworthy characters. But if you know the character you can clearly see her in the back.

Battleborn in Ready Player One Trailer 1 Screenshots

Ready Player One Trailer 2 Breakdown


There are once again some Battleborn cameos during the “Come With Me” trailer of Ready Player One.

0:10AttikusAttikus walks casually in the background of the screen.
1:08AttikusAttikus fighting in the background as he is ready to deliver a blow.
1:42BenedictBenedict jumps up in the background ready to shoot some rockets from the sky as the hero of the movie drives over the battlefield in his Delorean (Back to the Future).
1:47El DragónYou can spot El Dragón as the camera pans over the battlefield as the good guys make their way to an assault.

Battleborn in Ready Player One Trailer 2 Screenshots

Ready Player One Trailer 3 Breakdown

Ready Player One Clark Kent Superman Trailer NEW (2018) Steven Spielberg Sci-Fi Movie

You can spot multiple Battleborn characters in the Clark Kent trailer from Ready Player One.

0:32AttikusAttikus is seen again. This shot has been used before.
0:47MikoMiko quickly makes an appearance in the background.
0:48BenedictBenedict walks past the hero in his Clark Kent disguise.

Battleborn in Ready Player One Trailer 3 Screenshots

Ready Player One Trailer 4 Breakdown

Ready Player One (2018) - The OASIS Scene [4K Ultra HD]

Here are more playable Battleborn characters that I found in the Ready Player One movie.

2:21PendlesAs the camera zooms into The Oases spawn point you can see Pendles amongst the crowd.
2:26OrendiMultiple Orendi’s walk into the Oasis.
2:30Shayne & AuroxShayne & Aurox appear behind the hero.

Battleborn in Ready Player One Trailer 4 Screenshots

El Dragón’s Twin Brother in Ready Player One

I made an interesting discovery when I was analyzing all “Ready Player One” marketing. There was a screenshot on the official “Ready Player One” X (Formally known as Twitter) banner that showcased the battlefield as the heroes made their large assault.

I knew that El Dragón was on the front line of that big charge – we know he is a fast character so that would make sense -, however, I noticed that El Dragón was on there twice !!! Therefore, I pointed this out on social media.

I asked the Official Gearbox Account on X (formally known as Twitter) if El Dragón had a twin brother or if there were two people with the same avatar. To this, Randy Pitchford replied that the cat was out of the bag and El Dragon has a twin brother, El Tiger.

About Ready Player One

Ready Player One is a science-fiction movie by Steven Spielberg and is a movie adaptation of the book written by Ernest Cline.

The film centers on a young outcast named Wade Watts. He like many others escapes from their daily drudgery by logging onto an MMO game called “The Oasis”. There they become the avatar of their choice, that’s why all the different video game characters show up.

When the creator of the game dies an easter egg hunt will commence. The player who finds the easter egg in The Oasis will be rewarded with lots of fortune.

Watts gets in on the action and finds himself facing off against corporate foes who will go to great lengths to get the money in both the real world and in The Oasis.


I have watched the movie and actually enjoyed it. I love all the (video game) references and it is awesome to see the Battleborn character. They are pretty prominent on screen.

If you could jump into The Oasis, which Battleborn hero would be your avatar? Let me know in the comments below.

Written by
I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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  1. @Ayden1812

  2. I will definitely be seeing that now!


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