Gearbox will be doing another Battleborn livestream and you know if Gearbox is dedicating a live stream to one of their game they got some big announcements to make. Because if we look back at their previous live streams they did things like the first reveal for new DLC characters and story operations. But also for in-depth streams with patch changes like the big winter update earlier this year.
So you might be wondering what this Battleborn Dev stream will bring, well first off New Media Manager Elisa Melendez, Community Coordinator Meredith Hershey, and the famous Creative Director Randy Varnell because they will be hosting the stream and according to the forum post, they will be talking about that update they have been teasing for while. So you might wonder what have they been teasing, well they confirmed there are going to be a few character changes.
Character Changes
Other Updates:
- Performance Improvements
- Game Mode Improvements
- Map Fixes
- and Character Bug Fixes
- maybe more…
So those are some of the things we can expect from the patch, however, there is also a thing that has not been confirmed for this live stream, but it’s very well possible it will surface and that is the arrival of the Battleborn trial version that’s been floating around. And this will be a huge deal to the game, so will the upcoming patch also grant new players the ability to try out the game. There is this post on the GBX forums where the creative director asks for tips that new players should know, and to help out the community I’m also adding these to my site (Multiplayer & Characters), so if you have any tips leave them in the comments. But it looks like Gearbox wants to communicate these tips to their new audience in some way.
So what do you guys think will this update bring to the trial version of the game there was this Xbox Leak that showed off a banner with Play Battleborn for free 3 weeks ago. Well in any case get your gummy bears ready and come watch the stream on June 6th at 11 AM Pacific time or 2 PM Eastern time, in case you missed it I will record it and post it here on my website.