On Thursday 14 October Gearbox Software not only launched a lot of new content for Battleborn but they also did a live stream. The community-, and media manager joined by a few of the developers gave an exclusive look at the new Battleborn content. Here is a recap of the live stream showing the new story operation “Attikus and the Thrall Rebellion” and the new multiplayer mode “Face-off” from their Twitch channel.
- Joe King – Community Manager
- Elisa Melendez – New Media Manager
- Randy Varnell – Creative Director (Attikus and the Thrall Rebellion)
- Ian Childs – Designer ( Face-off)
- Introduction
- Patch Update
- Reference to the previous stream about Character Balance overview.
- Reference to a recent Battleborn AMA on Reddit.
- Real-life Reyna Pistol
- Spoopy Skins
- Attikus and the Thrall Rebellion
- Face-off Match
- SHiFT Code
- Face-off Match
While the Kid Ultra reveal stream is planned for October 20, 2016, this unreleased hero got picked by a developer during both Face-off matches.