Lootpocalypse Event 2
The Lootpocalypse Event is returning to Battleborn. In case you missed it last time around, drop rates of legendary gear (and gear in general) are drastically increased and the prices of Loot Packs are lowered during the Lootpocalypse! Lootpocalypse will run Friday (9/23) at 8 am PT through Sunday (9/25) at 8 am PT, so make sure to set some time (and bank space) aside to join in on the fun! Keep an eye out for additional details next week!
Lootpocalypse Event 1
Update #2 [07/19]
As the Lootpocalypse wasn’t as awesome for everyone Gearbox is extending the event. Not only this they will also be increasing the the amount of awesomeness. The new adjustments are significant and should be more noticeable. The extension to Lootpocalypse will run through this coming weekend and end on Monday, 7/25 at 10am CT and will include:
- Further increase Legendary loot drop rates (temporarily)
- Continue the discount on Loot Packs
- Changing command rank limitations for Loot Packs to level 3
Happy Looting
Update #1 [07/17]
Hey all – we’re looking at the changes now and digging into the inconsistencies. There may be a few actual bugs in here, but most of what we’re hearing sounds like the results of random generation, even though we did increase the drop rates.
We certainly are hearing from you that drop rates are not scratching the itch. We are looking at what we can do, but it will probably be Monday before changes make it to you. We’re also discussing extending the Lootpocalypse (with fixes) a few more days so that you all get the experience we intended.
Stay tuned.
jythri – Creative Director on Battleborn
Original Post
The Lootpocalypse Event is upon us and starts tomorrow ! This Battleborn event runs from Friday, July 15th at 8am PT until Monday, July 18th at 8am PT. The last event was all about extra credits and playing with the dev.team this event is all about the loot. During this event you can expect the following things:
- Temporary increases to Legendary gear drop rates
- Major enemies will have a chance to drop Rare and Epic gear
- Increases to higher rarity gear from Rare and Epic Loot Packs
- Discounted Loot Packs
- Rare and Epic Loot Packs by 25%
- Faction Loot Packs (with skins, taunts, and faction based gear) by a whopping 50% !!!
New Skins
Talking about loot, season pass holders will be getting 2 exclusive skins and they will be available today! So check your command menu for: