I have been following Battleborn for some time now, but for some time now it’s been quiet around Gearbox’s newest franchise. Fans on the Gearbox forums started to wonder if we would see anything soon about the game. I thought Battleborn might just slip into 2016 because of all the radio silence. But Creative Director Randy Varnell tried to ensure that good stuff was coming soon. He even joined some of the discussions on the forum (Awesome).
But that’s all behind us now, finally the long wait is over. On May 11th Publisher 2K, who does the marketing for Battleborn put the first teaser image on social media channels. Ever since I have been trying to connect the dots and find out what is behind these codes.
The last puzzle piece just arrived completing the Battleborn Artwork. This is the 3rd piece that suggests June 4th but this teaser also gives a specific time; 8 AM EDT. So stay tuned for more Battleborn details soon. With this last puzzle piece, I finished up my Star Chart.