Gearbox Software and 2K Games released a series of Battleborn motion comics leading up to the game’s launch. These videos tell the events that happened just before Battleborn’s main story campaign.
Table of contents
Chapter 1, Running The Numbers
As Penarch is nearly veiled, Rendain relishes in his success and looks ahead to the inevitable destruction of Solus, The Last Star. While unbeknownst to him his closest advisor has other plans.
Chapter 2, The Rescue
Meanwhile, on the ground on Penarch Prime, Benedict has been pinned down by the Varelsi horde. His friends Oscar Mike and Montana attempt to join his position.
Chapter 3, No More Heroics
Penarch is nearly darkened, and anyone left on the surface has little time to escape. Ghalt and his U.P.R. soldiers are ordered to evacuate immediately, but he doesn’t intend to leave anyone behind.
Story Mode
After the events of these prequel motions comics, the main story of Battleborn starts. The game starts with an awesome intro cinematic during the prologue mission.