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Battleborn Origin Story on Nerdvana Live

Battleborn's Origin Story

During Episode 9 of the Nerdvana Live Podcast Randy Pitchford (President of Gearbox Software)  and Randy Varnell (Creative Director on Battleborn) talk about the origin story of Battleborn. The early idea of the game came from the new MOBA games that entered the gaming scene. This idea first manifested itself in the Brothers in Arms franchise. However, the direction the game was going didn’t fit with the realistic franchise. While Brothers in Arms Furious Four was presented to the audience it eventually resulted in a departure between Gearbox Software and Ubisoft. The project kept evolving and turned into the Battleborn franchise as we know it today. The only character that survived this whole transition is Montana, who can be seen in the Furious Four trailer.

Brothers in Arms: Furious Four Debut Trailer

Brothers in Arms: Furious Four - Official Trailer (E3 2011)

Randy Pitchford says during the Nerdvana Live Podcast that you should play to your strengths. One of those strengths for Gearbox is character design. But while they had a wide range of characters they did need a universe that allowed for them to be in one place. Having the actual universe dying and all the remaining species traveling from all over the galaxy to the last star allowed for that. The slogan “For every kind of badass” came from this wide range of characters as there is a hero for everyone as they hit a lot of different types of characters.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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