Before you really can dive into the game, Battleborn starts with a Prologue Mission. This sets up the story and setting of the game and also teaches you some of the basics of the game. It kinda functions as a tutorial for the story mode. You could play this mission once and then it was nowhere to be found, which was kinda sad because it featured an awesome cinematic and the mission was fun. It provided you with some background info scattered around the map. The downside was that you were forced to play as Mellka, but she is a good all-around starting character. She is equipped with a pistol and able to perform some decent melee action. After this mission, you get access to 7 heroes and are able to unlock the other Battleborn.
To make a long story short, after fan feedback, Gearbox Software made the Prologue mission re-playable. You can access the Prologue mission in the private story mode, it will appear on top as the first available mission. YEAH!!! Now I can listen to those audio clips one more time. Activating all 3 of them at the same time wasn’t a good idea.