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Who is Empress Lenore ? – Battleborn

Battleborn - Empress Lenore
Battleborn - Empress Lenore

*UPDATE (02-12-15)

I didn’t expect this to happen so soon, but the official Battleborn and 2K Games social media channels have posted my video about this unannounced Battleborn Hero. So I’m on to something here, if this was total crap they wouldn’t have posted it.

Original Article (11-10-15)

The official Battleborn website has gotten an update and all the heroes have a new profile page with a video of the character in action. But in the gameplay footage of Oscar Mike’s video, there are two unannounced Battleborn heroes present. The first one is probably whiskey foxtrot a peacekeeper. With this article, I’m going over the second one. Here is a short introduction video.

Unannounced Battleborn Hero - The Empress Strikes Back

Which Faction?

So just after the encounter with the first unannounced hero, we see the second one on screen. As Oscar Mike shoots the minions on the lower part of the level we see the new hero running on the upper level. We can just barely see the legs and a sword. I also want to point out the cape/dress that is flooding behind the character. After oscar mike makes a turn we can see our mystery Battleborn standing on top. All are dressed in black and equipped with two red blades. Just after throwing a blade, we can see her jump off toward the lower level. During this move, the cape sweeps up and we see that the back of the cape has a grey top with a red outline. These colors are a staple of the Jennerit Empire, as all Jennerit have dark armor with red highlights. Even Rath carries three red blades. So it’s safe to assume that this lady is part of the Jennerit faction.

Battleborn - Empress Lenore
Battleborn – Empress Lenore?

Her Name?

This part isn’t confirmed but there is one Jennerit name that I know of that hasn’t been fully introduced. When the Rendain trailer was released Randy Varnell spoke in an interview about the past of this villain. Talking about his backstory we found out that Rendain was the Right-Hand of the main ruler of the Jennerit Empire – Empress Lenore. So there is our name but this could just be a bit of lore. But more evidence has shown up. During the 2K Press Events some Press got their hands on a new build of the game and they were allowed to capture gameplay footage.  One of these videos is a gear unpacking video showcasing the loot system in Battleborn. But when a Jennerit Piece of gear shows up there is a quote from Empress Lenore.

Sacrifice begets Survival

Jennerit Empress Lenore

These quotes are normally from playable characters in the game. So does this state that the Jennetit Empress will be a playable character in Battleborn?


During the brief moment, we saw this unannounced hero in action, she looked fast and agile. But the thing that stands out the most is that just before the gameplay clip ends, she throws a blade toward her opponent.  As the Jennerit faction as we know it today doesn’t have a sniper class character, will this move qualify her as the long-range hero?  Placing her with Marquis and Thorn.

Let me know what you think, maybe together we can solve this mystery. I also made a profile page for Empress Lenore.

Update (12-30-2015):

Gearbox Software and 2K Games announced two new battleborn heroes and one of them is Deande, she looks like the character shown in the video above. But the piece of gear showing off a quote from Empress Lenore is still in the game. So could she still be a playable character in the game?

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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1 Comment

  1. Still wondering what Lenore looks like….


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