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BLTPS – Claptastic Voyage Loot

Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Claptastic Voyage Loot
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Claptastic Voyage Loot

Added an overview of all legendary items that can be found in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel

With Claptastic Voyage, the new downloadable content for Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, 2K Aus adds a  lot of new loot to the game.  New Unique, Rare, and Legendaries weapons. There is also a new weapon rarity called Glitched weapons.  This results in even more variety than with the Holodome Onslaught Loot.


  • 14 Legendary  Gear
  • 1  Rare  Gear
  • 10  Unique Gear
  • 1 Uncommon  Gear

Do you want to know more about the  Glitched Gear, I also wrote a whole article about that subject. For this post, I’m sticking to the  Gear that’s listed in the overview. I got weapon charts, legendary drop locations, and even some legendary guides. Some details are still missing but I’m updating this page when I find new details.


Got confirmation that the Grinder is spitting out these new legendaries and if you are lucky you can stumble upon them in the shops.

Legendary Skins

With the May 19, 2015 Patch of Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Loot Bugs inside the Claptastic Voyage have a new drop assigned to them. These are the Rare and Legendary Skins for all Vault Hunters.

Claptastic Voyage Legendaries

Absolute Zero

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Absolute Zero
Absolute Zero is a Legendary Maliwan Beam Laser.

Elements: Cryo
Red Text:  In this universe there is only one absolute.
Special Effect:  High elemental proc chance
How to get the Absolute Zero ?  The Absolute Zero drops from the Final Boss, EOS.

Cheat Code

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Cheat Code
Cheat Code is a Legendary Hyperion SMG.

Elements:  None,  Fire, Cryo, Corrosive & Shock
Red Text:  Play unfair.
Special Effect:  Acts like the Borderlands 2 ‘Bitch’ only gets random glitches.
How to get the Cheat Code  ?  Cheat Code is guaranteed collectable from finishing last main mission. (Thx: Samhmcq)


BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Flayer
Flayer is a Legendary Jakobs Shotgun.

Elements:  None
Red Text:  OMG. what’s it doing to Sanchez?!
Special Effect: Killing an enemy with the Flayer creates extra Gore Effects. (Seems like just a coach gun with a higher clip and that’s a good thing)
How to get the Flayer  ?  The Flayer drops from ANY virus, good farming location is the Motherlessboard.


BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Fusillade
Fusillade is a Legendary Scav Assault Rifle.

Elements:   None,  Fire, Cryo, Corrosive & Shock
Red Text:  Dakka dakka dakka!
Special Effect:  (Seems to reload faster)
How to get the Fusillade  ?  The Fusillade seems to be a World Drop. Reported dropping from several different enemies. Insecure ultimate badass bot,  very insecure turbo bots & mini clap wolf.

 Kaneda’s Laser

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Kaneda's Laser
Kaneda’s Laser is a Legendary Tediore Launcher.

Elements:   Explosive
Red Text:  If somebody’s gonna kill  him, it should be us!
Special Effect:  Shoots a laser rocket that explodes in a small radius. Reloads fly unpredictably.
How to get the Kaneda’s Laser?  Kaneda’s Laser drops from EOS, the final boss of Claptastic voyage.

Laser Disker

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Laser Disker
Laser Disker is a Legendary Tediore Laser.

Elements:  Explosive
Red Text:  Shazbot!
Special Effect:  Shoots explosive disks that blow up on contact.
How to get the Laser Disker? The Laser Disker drops from  SHADOW-TP (thx:  Trollstien Griffin)

Luck Cannon

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Lock Cannon
Lock Cannon is a Legendary Jakobs pistol.

Elements: None
Red Text: Better lucky than good!
Special Effect:  Luck Cannon shoots one accurate high damage bullet that has a chance to inflict massive damage (Money shot kind of effect of + ~300%).
How to get the Luck Cannon? The Luck Connon drops from Ultimate badass glitches. An easy way to farm for this is at the final boss when he is in his second form. (thx: Re1easedabeast)

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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  1. The longest yard dropped for me from Teh Earworm btw

    • Thanks! i’ll add it to the list 🙂

      • Also I’m pretty sure the Cheat Code is guaranteed from finishing last main mission. (I finished it twice and got it both times)

  2. i dont know if it is just visual but Tannis’s Laser of Enlightenment has a flamethrower effect and you get it from her side mission

  3. Flayer found in vending machine

  4. the shield of ages is obtained by turning in the temple of boom (same mission you get tannis’ laser from) to gladstone. you may be able to turn it into tannis before the option to turn it in to gladstone pops up, which wiould be why it’s so unknown.

    you also missed a glitch weapon, called the artful splodger. link to the wiki: http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Heartfull_Splodger

    • Yo, Thanks for the help ! another update!

      • you also get the data scrubber and hard reboot by killing shame and the cookies respectively in the ‘chip’s data mining adventure’ sidequest.

  5. The company man, fast talker, naught, and boss nova is from buying the tales from the borderlands. Hard reboot is from the Chips Data Mining Adventure (kill Chip and his crew), MINAC’s Atonement is for completing Rose Tinting, and the party popper is for completing h4X0rz.

    • Luck Cannon is dropped by ultimate badass glitches.
      (I’ll reply here when I know more on where things drop)

      • Thanks for helping out, updated the post with credits 🙂

        • Flayer drops from ANY virus.

        • Absolute Zero is dropped by EOS

        • Moonscaper is from Tales From the Borderlands (forgot that one when I made the first post)

      • the luck cannon seems to drop from bugs too. like, just any bugs. at all. i got mine form a regular ol’ adbug.

        • It very well could be a world drop along with most of the new legendary weapons, however farming the ultimate badass glitches seems to be the easiest way to find it.

          • i’m not the only one who’s reported finding them from regular bugs. it’s less a world drop and more that they just assigned a legendary to a whole enemy type, by accident or not.

            kinda like the cobra, but not impossible to find.

          • I’m not saying it is 100% right. I am saying though is where I have had luck in it dropping. Now as to the luck cannon dropping by bugs, it seems to be a world drop seeing as we are getting reports of it dropping in multiple places as opposed to a assigned enemy (seeing as glitches and bugs are 2 separate types).

  6. Is the red text under Data Scrubber correct? For me, it shows the red text from Company Man.

    • Yeah , you were right. too much copy&pasting the layout. I fixed it, thanks 🙂

  7. The shield of ages has a “Hoplite” effect from BL2, with a massive shield capacity at a cost of a moderate chunk of max health. It may increase the effect for each member in the party, I’ll test that soon. I’ll also check for any movespeed penalties like the Hoplite.

  8. I got the luck cannon and laser disker from the grinder, idk if it helps any just confirming that the grinder can put them out

    • thanks added it to the post 🙂

    • What was your grinding recipe

      • about 40 minutes of 3 legendaries for a rondom legendary

  9. Laser Disker is a drop from SHADOW-TP

  10. update the fusillage drops from very insecure turbo bots (ultimate vault hunter)

    • Fusilade drop from self loathing or despair and from badass defender.subroutine.

  11. rerouter is a drop from shadow-tp

    • Once again thank you for your collaboration, added it to the list 🙂

  12. It appears the fusillade is a world drop. Received another from a mini clap wolf

  13. I found the Flayer during the mission with the virus wall or something. I don’t know who dropped it but I think the glitches or the wall itself but it was probably a world drop.

  14. Eclipse/EOS dropped the Flayer for me

  15. i think the shield of ages has high shield capacity dont you think? look the name has ages in it, it mean its has high shield capacity for long use = ages?

  16. This is all?

  17. Absolute zero drops from EOS


    • I know it drops from EOS, but he seems to be able to drop (almost) every new legendary.

    • I got Kaneda’s Laser from Grinder

  19. i believe i once saw the Firehose dropped from EOS but didnt pay attation to it because i was farming for legendarys..

    • ya i know what you mean. With mercenary day we could farm Odjurymir that would drop the Ol’Painful. A unique rifle, but most of the time i skip the blues and go straight for the purples.

    • This article is bogus, the firehose is not a unique gun, it’s a normal Scav shotgun, you can get it from vendors. No wonder it has no red text

      • 1) this article is not bogus. 2) the firehose is a rare shotgun, see color code Purple. 3) in very rare occasions you can get Legendy gear (color code orange) from a vendor, does that make it a normal gun ?

        White = common
        Green = uncommon
        Blue = Unique
        Purple = Rare
        Orange = Legendary

        Some weapons are only dropped by specific enemies/bosses others can drop from anyone. Only you won’t run in them that often. Vendors are random, but hey maybe you get lucky with the grinder.

        • The fire hose is not unique, there is nothing special about it. Its just like any other purple gun in the game. Any time you see a Scav shotgun with a triple barrel, it will be called a Firehose, be it blue or purple. Believe me, I know my way around this game. The vendors may have been a bad example, I agree. But it’s not something that was added with the DLC. It was in the game from day one.

          Also, blue does not mean unique. It’s for rare. Its just that MOST uniques happen to be rare. The ol Rosie is unique, yet it’s purple.

  20. the firehose thats posted is possibly a unique variant and minacs atonement sometimes passes through the target sending no damage, also the reboot has a very wide area of effect, useful for activating air domes before hand

  21. hopefully that helps 🙂

  22. By the way, EOS drops the fusilade too.

  23. longest yard is probably legendary for high dmg (mostly critical) and the MORQ talks in a famous person (I dont know who it is) when you un/equip, get damaged, send damage, and join/start a game with it equipped.

    • The shield is a tribute to the late Robin Williams. Welcome message sounds like the intro from his movie:” Good Morning, Vietnam “


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