I added an overview of all legendary items that can be found in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel.
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel just received its second DLC, The Holodome Onslaught, which is part of the season pass. Within this expansion, you fight in a giant arena against Dahl soldiers and Guardians.
During the rounds of this arena battle, you will receive some secondary objectives. But more important is you can receive some new and unique loot, Holodome Loot. Within this article, I’ll dive deeper into what goodies you will be able to obtain during your Holodome Onslaught. So get ready for these new guns; T4s-R, Cry Baby, Plunkett, Party Line, Boxxy Gunn, and Berrigan.
Holodome Loot
Holodome Weapons
Elements: Fire, Cryo, Corrosive & Shock
Red Text: I politely request you do not T4s-R me, good sir.
Special Effect: Extremely high accuracy, High fire rate lasers.
How to get the Ts4-R? Rewarded by completing Digistructed Madness: Round 1 of The Holodome Onslaught DLC
Cry Baby
Elements: Cryo
Red Text: I-i-i-saac.
Special Effect: Spawns with varying special effects.
- #1 – Yellow bullets. Increased fire rate.
- Bloody – Red bullets. Gains increased damage for each enemy killed but it decays over time.
- Fletched – Bullets that pierce through enemies. Laser sight.
- Mystic – 3 bullets in a horizontal diverging pattern.
- Wiggly – Bullets oscillate up and down.
- Staring – White cryo bullets.
- Sickly – Green corrosive bullets.
How to get the Cry Baby? Reward by completing Digistructed Madness: Round 3 of The Holodome Onslaught DLC
Elements: None
Red Text: Make sure they know the first one wasn’t an accident.
Special Effect: Making Critical hits will remove ammo from the Vault Hunter’s ammo pool instead of taking one out of the weapon magazine.
How to get the Cry Baby? Reward by completing Digistructed Madness: Round 5 of The Holodome Onslaught DLC
Party Line
Elements: Fire
Red Text: Excellent.
Special Effect: Fired projectiles that explode like fireworks. When you reload the gun flies up into the air and then explodes like fireworks.
How to get the Cry Baby? Reward by completing Digistructed Madness: Round 4 of The Holodome Onslaught DLC
Boxxy Gunn
Elements: Shock
Red Text: It’s totally a flamethrower.
Special Effect: Projectiles fired ricochet twice. But has Unstable reloads, so increased chance that it will explode in your hands.
How to get the Cry Baby? Reward by completing Digistructed Madness: Round 2 of The Holodome Onslaught DLC or drops from the Defense Destroyers during Digistructed Madness: Round 3.
Elements: None, Fire, Cryo, Corrosive & Shock
Red Text: Your gun is good, but mine is better!
Special Effect: Fires 6 rockets for the price of 1
How to get the Cry Baby? Reward by completing Digistructed Madness: Badass Round of The Holodome Onslaught DLC.
Chronicler of Elpis Class Mods
All versions of the Chronicler of Elpis Class Mods will boost your skills with +1 to 4 depending on your level. Also, it will give you a few other boosts.
- +% Freeze Chance
- +% Cryo Damage
- +% Shield Capacity
Wilhelm class mod
- Rolling Thunder
- Escalation
- Emergency Response
- Divert Power
- Hazmat Containment System
Nisha class mod
- No Pain No Gain
- Faster ‘n You
- High Noon
- Tombstone
- Trick Shot
Jack class mod
- Optimism
- Lean On Me
- Persistence
- Winning
- Company Man
Athena class mod
- Stalwart
- Tear
- BloodLust
- Unrelenting
- Overload
Claptrap class mod
- Load N’ Splode
- Start With a Bang
- Wax On Wax Off
- Death Machine
- Grenade Vent
Aurelia class mod
- Large Caliber
- I Never Miss
- Cold Advance
- Frostbite
- Quality not Quantity