- [12:35] Starts
- Gearbox Merger Embracer Group
- Tales From the Borderlands Returns
- BorderCast: Borderlands The Movie Episode
- Borderlands Movie and fan service
- Tess versus Old Games
- Broken Hearts Day 2021 Event Update
- “Wedding Invitation” Legendary Jakobs Sniper Rifle
- Gearbox Studio and GBX Devs suffering from power-outage
- Revenge of the Cartels Event
- What have you done this week?
- Tales From the Borderlands
- Editing Ultimate Vault Hunter
- Recovering
- Maliwan Takedown
- Bunkers & Badasses D&D Game
- Mitsu Interview
- How did you get the name Mitsu?
- How did you start playing Borderlands?
- What got you interested in Borderlands?
- What’s your take on Raid Bosses and what’s your favorite one?
- What was your first game convention?
- What kind of streamer do you see yourself like?
- Who inspired you as a streamer?
- Borderlands 3 Cross-Play
- Director’s Cut