- [18:42] Starts
- Maurice’s Black Market Vending Machine Location
- New Movie Casting News
- Penn Jillette in Borderlands Movie
- Borderlands 3 Cross-Play
- Revenge of the Cartels
- True Trials
- Proving Grounds Location Guide
- Vault Hunter’s Adventures
- Triple G did various playthroughs of BL3
- Mitsu played Borderlands Remastered
- Tess working on behind the scenes stuff, leveling Vault Cards
- Legendary Drops Adjustment & Reroll Machine
- Hotfix Applied
- Endgame Rush (Season 2)
My Reactions:
- Yes, finally Revenge of the Cartels is coming back! Looking forward to getting all the awesome gear from that on LVL65.
- I love that Triple G is coming up with these community challenges. The work-in-progress idea also sounds very interesting.
- Penn Jillette doing a wedding in the Borderlands Movie and Kevin Hart is involved in those scenes makes me wonder. Roland & Lilith had a thing between BL1 & BL2. Did they kicked this idea a notch up and are they canceling a wedding as Penn didn’t mention Cate, who plays Lilith? (SPECULATION)