- Hosts
- Unofficial Producers
- [05:40] Starts
- Borderlands Movie
- Borderlands
- Tiny Wonderlands
- Japanse Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Boxart is Amazingly Different
- The Real Identity of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ Fairy Punchfather Discovered
- 7 Borderlands Weapons I want to see in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands
- Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Pre-Order Bonuses
- How beneficial are hidden Lucky Dice in tiny Tina’s Wonderlands
- Social
- Articles
My Reactions:
- Mushroom booty
- There appareantly was a whole discussion at GBX if the Mushrooms should have a butt ot not.
- Fairy Punchfather
- Yes, I photoshopped that Siren Brick image while using Angel’s Siren wings. It was meant to be somewhat of a teaser to the article. In the article itself is a image that zooms on how Brick actually looks on the box art.
- Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Support
- From what I have picked up on is that they (Gearbox and 2K Games) want to support TTWL and let it be its own thing like Borderlands. It is a new IP, while it is based on things from Borderlands and it runs on GBX tech that’s also been used for Borderlands, they want to create a franchise that can live on its self.
- Boxart
- Yes, the Japanese box art is very cool. I’m glad I discovered it and could share it you through the Bordercast.
- About Mitsu’s statement “why would there be box art for DLC?”. Actually, the BL3 DLCs also received “keyart/boxart/coverart” digital storefronts use these.
- Side note; TTWL is NOT a DLC!
- Tiny Tina’s lawsuit
- In Borderlands 4, Tiny Tina will own Torgue XD