At the conclusion of the BorderCast show on October 28, Mitsu gave us all an epic teaser about next week’s episode. Judging from what Mitsu said and comparing that with previous shows where he gave similar teasers, I can say that we are in for a treat.
We are going to do an interview, it’s going to be with 4 folks that are direct leads on a project, and that project involves something that all of you really enjoy, that is part of Borderlands 3… I promise you, you want to watch it.
Show Predictions
On previous occasions that Mitsu & Tess teased the upcoming episode in this way they always had developers come on the show and reveal an upcoming DLC. We had Max Babin that spoke about Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck and Graeme that spoke about The Director’s Cut for example.
Having lead developers on the show means it’s BIG! I noticed they didn’t mention Graeme or Mario, who are on the Borderlands 3 Live team. They lead the BL3 updates and events. Usually, Mitsu just name-drops them, however, in this case, he didn’t.
Mitsu mentioned Borderlands 3, therefore, we can exclude Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands because then he could have just said so. I don’t think we are going down the rabbit hole; “Well, Tina is part of Borderlands 3, so it can technically be Wonderlands”.
We still have 1 Vault Card from the Director’s Cut coming up. But I don’t see 4 lead developers coming onto the show for that. I assume Mario or Graeme could cover that by themselves.
Randy Pitchford did mention on Twitter this summer that they have more stuff in store for us but back then it wasn’t the right time to announce anything.
I’m wondering what is the Gearbox Quebec Studio doing these days? Since the release of DLC4, we haven’t really heard from them. Have they been hard at work, cooking up a surprise DLC? Video Games have been getting longer and longer life cycles as Studios & Publishers continue to support them.
Maybe I’m looking at this from the wrong perspective. I’m thinking about 1 big thing, however, it could also be 4 developers all talking about their own thing. Maybe 2 duos talking about 2 separate things. 1 Could be the last Vault Card and the other thing could be something we haven’t heard about.
All in all, exciting times are ahead of us. Let me know what you think this could be in the comments down below.