Deceptix_ & UnjustAction did a co-op any% run on Borderlands 2 during Awesome Games Done Quick 2024 which is a charity speedrun marathon that raises money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation.
Deceptix_ played as Axton and UnjustAction played as Gaige. They managed to beat the game in 1:21:08. Commentary is provided by utsu and zzrules21 who are also legends in the speedrunning community.
Donations throughout the speedrun also have fun jokes and references to the game.
- Duplicating Weapons
- Stacking Crit Damage
- Weapon Drop Reloading
- Using a second mouse with your feet
- Dialogue Skips using Echologs
- Grenade Jumping
- Out of Bounds Skips
- Weapon merging
- Infinite Shield Recharge
- More