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Borderlands 2 Introduces Krieg the Psycho

Borderlands 2 - Krieg the Psycho Character Announcement Trailer
Krieg the Psycho Concept Art
Krieg the Psycho Concept Art

A new vault hunter joins the party, Krieg the Psycho.

The Borderlands development team thought hard about what the new playable character would look like, but all along he was just waiting on the Borderlands 2 box art, a Psycho!

Krieg is a character for the more veteran vault hunter and takes the stacking mechanic that was introduced with Gaige the Mechromancer to a whole new level. This Psycho is not going to wait behind a box to gain back his health or shield, he means business up in the enemy’s face, high-risk high reward gameplay.

Skill tree

Krieg’s action skill is the buzz axe rampage, you can get in close like other psychos and melee your way through your enemies, and if they run screaming you can always throw your axe after them.

Killing off your opponent will result in health regeneration so keep slicing and you will be fine. However, if you enter into “Fight for your Life” mode, Krieg isn’t going to fall on his knees hoping that someone comes close by to get murdered. Krieg is the first Vault Hunter that can walk during the fight for your life mode, he will start throwing out dynamite toward his targets.

The 3 Skill trees are called Bloodlust, Mania & Hellborn.

The Bloodlust will feature the ability to let your kills result in large explosions setting off a chain of lightning. In the Mania tree, you are able to mutate and become enraged dealing massive damage.
The Hellborn skill tree will contain a fire element skill that will spit out fireballs that will home in towards your enemies.

Krieg Gameplay

Krieg the Psycho Launch Trailer


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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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