About Borderlands 2 VR updates
There are two types of updates; hotfixes and patches.
- Hotfix these are automatically applied at the title screen when Borderlands 2 VR is connected to the internet. In general, hot fixes are used to temporarily address issues between major updates. Hotfixes are not permanent — they are temporarily stored in memory during the game session and lost upon exiting Borderlands 2 VR. To ensure that you receive hot fixes, make sure that your system is connected to the internet when Borderlands 2 VR boots up.
- Patches contain changes that are permanently stored on your system and only need to be downloaded once. You can download the latest update by launching Borderlands 2 VR while connected to the PlayStation Network. You will be prompted to install the update if you do not already have the latest version.
AIM Controller Update – 3/7/2019
This update includes:
- AIM CONTROLLER SUPPORT ( Community Suggestion )
- BL2VR is now compatible with the PlayStation®VR Aim Controller!
- Within the Options Menu, options for swapping sticks, buttons, or both are available. We added this to help people who are left-handed or if you want to switch around the layout of your PlayStation®VR Aim Controller.
- Also, the option to make movement relative to the Gun or to the Head is available for the PlayStation®VR Aim Controller. If your movement is Gun relative, pushing forward on the control stick will move you based on where the gun is pointing. If your movement is Head relative, pushing forward on the control stick will move you based on where you’re looking.
- IMPROVED SCOPE ( Community Suggestion )
- Performance on the scope has been improved and it is now a much larger window.
- CROSSHAIRS TOGGLE ( Community Suggestion )
- A new option is available in the Options menu that allows you to turn off the crosshairs.
- SCOPE TOGGLE ( Community Suggestion )
- A new option is available in the Options menu that allows you to turn off the scope window. You can have all the benefits of scoping without having a giant window in your face.
- Vault Symbols – Fixed a bug where Vault symbols did not appear correctly.
- Performance improvements and various bug fixes