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Borderlands 3 Collector’s Edition

Let's talk about a collector's edition for Borderlands 3. Will Gearbox Software and 2K Games publish one and what will it look like?
Borderlands 3 Collector's Edition
Borderlands 3 Collector's Edition

Yes, there is a Collector’s Edition of Borderlands 3. And by the time you are reading this, it might already be sold out. So if you want one act fast. I have seen them restock once, I don’t know how long the supplies will last.

There will be a re-stock of the collector’s edition, however, there are no further details at this moment. So be on the lookout, you never know when the new shipment will arrive. I’ll try and keep you up2date, here, or on social media. Also, follow @borderlands on social media as they will have the new first.



Golden Weapon Skin Pack - Borderlands 3

Contains a gold weapon trinket and gold weapon skins that are applicable to all guns in the game.


• Retro Cosmetic Pack
• Neon Cosmetic Pack
• Gearbox Cosmetic Pack
• Toy Box Weapon Pack
• XP & loot drop boost mods


Super Deluxe Content - Borderlands 3


  • 4 campaign DLC packs featuring new stories, missions, and challenges
  • Butt Stallion weapon skin
  • Butt Stallion weapon trinket
  • Butt Stallion grenade mod


  • Diamond Loot Chest Replica
  • Borderlands 3 character figurines (x10)
  • Sanctuary 3 snap model
  • Vault Key keychains (x4)
  • Cloth galaxy map
  • Character art lithographs (x5)

To celebrate the return of the original shooter-looter with the Diamond Loot Chest Collector’s Edition, a swag-splosion of collectibles digi-structed straight from the worlds of Borderlands 3! Features a replica Diamond Loot Chest containing 10 character figurines, a Sanctuary 3 ship snap model, and more.

This edition includes the full game, season pass, and all bonus digital content from the Super Deluxe Edition, plus:

  • Premium Diamond Loot Chest: Featuring a functional retractable lid, this chest is perfect for storing your real-world loot.
  • Borderlands 3 character figurines (x10): Make room on your shelf for the whole crew, including the four new Vault Hunters, the fanatical Calypso Twins, and some of your favorite characters from the Borderlands universe! Approximately 3.5” tall.
  • Sanctuary 3 snap model replica: Construct your very own Sanctuary 3 model ship and display it proudly on its included stand.
  • Planetary Vault Key, keychains (x4): Because you never know when you might stumble across an unopened Vault.
  • Cloth galaxy map: Discover new worlds beyond Pandora with Typhon DeLeon’s map of the Borderlands.
  • Character art lithographs (x5): Unique character prints starring the new Vault Hunters and fanatical Calypso Twins.

Here you can find more details about Borderlands 3’s Season Pass.

Original Prediction Article

I made some predictions before the Borderlands 3 Collector’s Edition was announced. I wanted to keep my original article and therefore it is listed below.

Will there be a collector’s edition of Borderlands 3?

I think there will be a collector’s edition of Borderlands 3. To better justify my answer to this question let’s look back at the previous games that Gearbox Software and 2K Games released.

The first Borderlands game didn’t have a collector’s edition, this is probably because the franchise wasn’t established yet and Gearbox & 2K was entering unknown territory with their game as they had the first “looter-shooter”. Therefore it was probably hard to estimate the attachment rate.

Borderlands 2 was immensely popular and did receive a collector’s edition. In this edition, you got a replica loot chest filled with Borderlands-themed collectibles. It turned out that the Borderlands 2 collector’s edition was massively popular and these babies sold out quickly. To meet consumer demand Gearbox teamed up with ThinkGeek & Gamestop to produce new loot boxes.

Borderlands the Pre-Sequel didn’t have a collector’s edition. It did have a pre-order insensitive that included the drop shock slaughter dome. This game was released at this weird moment in time, it fell in between 2 console generations. Market predictions assumed people wouldn’t fully jump on board the new Xbox One and PlayStation 4 as everyone was still recovering from the crisis. Therefore I think everyone was in this limbo state, which also probably affected the game’s sales estimations. However, those predictions couldn’t be more wrong. The new generation of hardware was immensely popular. This brings us to the Handsome Collection.

Borderlands The Handsome Collection- Claptrap-in-a-Box Edition Preview
Borderlands The Handsome Collection- Claptrap-in-a-Box Edition Preview

Borderlands the Handsome Collection was a response to the high demand of players wanting Borderlands the Pre-Sequel on the next-gen consoles. Because Borderlands 2 runs on the same engine it wasn’t a lot of effort to also port that game over to the new systems. The Handsome Collection did have a special edition with a remote-controlled claptrap unit. Probably due to popular demand they made another version with the gentleman’s claptrap unit.

Battleborn also didn’t get a collector’s edition which I’m sad about as I’m a huge fan of this game. But once again Gearbox and 2K are dealing with a new franchise here. There is no established fanbase and while GBX & 2K was pushing the marketing I think they couldn’t justify a more expensive version of the game that contained physical objects. There was a digital deluxe version that contained exclusive digital items.

Borderlands 3 is going to be the big one. It is an established franchise with a big following. The Gearbox Official Twitter channel just passed 1 million followers (congratz guys). Each time they post something there is a lot of excitement surrounding this game. Gearbox Licencing has been doing a solid job of getting new Borderlands merch out there. There is a reason why they are doing that.

What would a Borderlands 3 Collector’s Edition look like?

On one side I think they should do something fresh, however, when I think about a collectors edition for Borderlands 3, I do think about a new loot chest. Maybe they could do a chest themed toward one of the other weapon manufacturers. It’s a nice display piece that they can fill up with other swag.

To riff off this idea, I have seen a lot of cool Borderlands props in the cosplay scene. One of those items is a Vault Key. It would be fun if you can disassemble it into a few pieces. By doing this you can also obtain the goodies that are stored on the inside. Now I’m getting a cookie jar idea, this may or may not be because I’m hungry now.

Let me know what kind of Collector’s Edition you want to see 🙂

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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