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Borderlands 3 E3 Trailer Breakdown with the Developers

Borderlands 3’s E3 Trailer Secrets, Broken Down By Gearbox Devs

Randy Varnell and Paul Sage from Gearbox Software walk us through some secrets we may have missed in the new Borderlands 3 E3 trailer. I also did my own analysis of the trailer and found a lot of things that are not covered in this developer breakdown.

Breakdown Overview

  • Lilith calls out she’s not a Siren anymore what’s up with that?
    • You mentioned it already, she is not a Siren anymore and you will find out in the game why that is.
  • There can only be 6 Sirens in the Borderlands Universe, what’s up with that?
    • Yes, some of the lore nerds will already know that but there can only be 6 sirens in the Borderlands universe and Lilith was one of them. The opening of  Borderlands 3 will go into how she lost her powers.
  • In the first Borderlands 3 trailer, we see Lilith without Siren runes and behind her the Calypso twins with Siren runes. Are Lilith’s powers taken and given to him?
    • You asking the right questions.  In previous lore, the Sirens have always been female.
  • Why has Troy an arm missing?
    • That is a question that people should be asking.
  • Is that the Hyperion space station that crashlanded there?
    • This is us being consistent, that is something that happened in previous lore. We want people to be on the same line even if they didn’t play some of the other games.
  • Will we be able to visit that space station?
    • This is something that exists in the skybox of the game.
  • Is that Vaughn’s lucky underwear?
    • Yes, there is a story to Vaughn’s underwear and you get to experience that in Borderlands 3.
  • We see Tannis and Rhys are putting something together, what’s up with that, it looks too small to be a vault key.
    • Size doesn’t matter. But now that Rhys runs Atlas he has some resources (Rhysources).
  • What’s up with the shield on the vehicle that we get to see at the beginning of the trailer?
  • Will loot goons return?
    • Yes, we also have loot tinks and if you don’t kill them fast enough they will go away. But if you manage to kill them they will give out awesome loot.
  • Can FL4K actually summon all 3 pets at the same time?
    • Only in the trailer
  • When will we see FL4K in action?
  • SHLOOT, How does this gun work?
    • It’s a gun that shoots guns and it will consume some kind of resource. The manufacturer is kept a secret, but it can shoot legendary weapons (Personally, I think this weapon is an Eridian weapon and you have to pay Eridium for it).
    • Note: There is a fun story about the Borderlands 3 Reveal Event and the Gun Gun.
  • Is Maya teaching this younger character how to use Siren’s powers?
    • The little girl is Ava and you will learn more about her in the future. It’s definitely a teaching moment.
  • Who is that next to Sir Hammerlock?
    • That is Wainwright Jakobs and he’s very important.
  • What kind of a glowing chest is this?
    • That’s the golden chest. Yes, it can spawn legendary weapons.
  • Here are Tory and Tyreen…
    • Yes, they have done something that no one else managed to accomplish and that is bringing all the bandit groups together. There is a large variety of bandits… and there are Dinos.
  • Is FL4K Loaderbot from Tales from the Borderlands?
    • No, FL4K = FL4K

There are a few more tip bits if you watch the video. But these are a bit of the general outlines. If you want more hidden details then check out my 20 things you might have missed article.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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  1. Fire hawk got fat faced


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