Trevor Eastman was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal. Not knowing how long he has to live he decided to ask around online to see if there was a way he could get in touch with developer Gearbox and play Borderlands 3 before its release. With the help of the community, he succeeded and Trevor confirmed that he has been contacted by someone from 2K Games.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to give you all that were kind enough to upvote and tweet about my situation an update. One of the people from 2k has been talking to me(not sure if I’m allowed to say who so I won’t mention a name) and he’s making it happen. They’re flying somebody out at the beginning of June most likely to give me a copy of the game. I just wanted to thank you all so much for helping make this dream come true. It means the world to me that you all cared enough to do that for me.
Trevor Eastman
Play the Game
Just a few days ago Noelle (Community Manager) and James (Senior Producer) from Gearbox Software went to Trevor with a pre-release build of the game. They even brought some cool Borderlands / Gearbox Swag. Besides playing the game, Trevor also received the opportunity to name a legendary weapon in the game.
Hey everybody! So I know a lot of you have followed me and my story with my cancer and how Gearbox actually made my dream come true of being able to play some of the game early…but recently an amazing person from Gearbox actually allowed me to name a gun and the red text under it! I am seriously so happy and astonished how kind they have been to me and it really means the world to me that they did this for me. I wish I could pay them back for everything they’ve done…and all of you as well for making this dream come true. Thank you again and let me present to you a special gun that’s going to be in Borderlands 3!
Trevor Eastman
Name a Gun
This is the Trevonator, a Maliwan shotgun with the ‘Compressing’ prefix. This legendary weapon can switch between the Cryo and Fire elements. It has very good accuracy for a shotgun. Maliwan weaponry does have a bit of charge time, so having a 28% increased charge speed is sweet. Increased splash damage is always nice to have. You want to spread that elemental damage as much as you can. We will have to play the game to find out what the secret mechanics of the red text are.
@TheGreatEight6 GBX <3
Oli Waterton
Liam Barron ❤