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Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes for Golden Keys

Redeem the latest Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes and claim your Golden Keys for PC, Playstation, or Xbox. Happy Looting Vault Hunter!
Borderlands 3 Golden Keys
Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes for Golden Keys

Here you will find the latest Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes that are currently active. These codes work on all platforms (PC, Xbox, and PlayStation) and provide you with free Golden Keys or other virtual goodies. I recommend using the SHiFT Website to redeem your SHiFT Codes as the official Borderlands site sometimes has some hiccups but you can always enter them in-game.

Borderlands 3 ‘Golden Keys’ SHiFT Codes

The Latest SHiFT Codes for BL3 will provide you with Golden Keys when you redeem them.

2025 SHiFT Codes

RewardExpiresSHiFT Code
3 Golden KeysExpires: UnknownW9W3T-ZFKF6-T9CSW-9B333-9S6CK
3 Golden KeysExpires: Feb 13SFRJJ-CRTXB-JBBB3-JBJT3-XKSH6
3 Golden KeysExpires: Feb 6HFF3J-TRBFB-B333B-JJ3JT-9ZFZH
3 Golden KeysExpires: Jan 30ZXX3J-ZWJX3-BT3TJ-BT33J-X3WCT
3 Golden KeysExpires: Jan 23Z663T-XCJF3-B3B33-B333J-SJCTZ
3 Golden KeysExpires: Jan 1696XBB-WWTXJ-33BBB-3333J-5HSJJ
3 Golden KeysExpires: Jan 9ZRXJT-3KTX3-BT3J3-33TJB-XWZKW
3 Golden KeysExpires: Jan 2HX63J-9JT63-BJBTB-TB333-RZXFW

Copy one of the codes and redeem your reward on the SHiFT Website.

2024 SHiFT Codes

These SHiFT Codes from 2024 still work in 2025 while their expiration date already passed. I last checked them on Jan 3, 2025.

RewardExpiresSHiFT Code
50 Golden Keys + 10 Diamond KeysExpires: UnknownSXFBT-39953-J33TT-3T333-KSHW6
10 Golden Keys + 1 Diamond Key Expires: UnknownWS5JB-K9KHH-WRC6S-FJ3JT-ZZZZK
10 Golden Keys + 1 Diamond KeyExpires: UnknownCSWTB-TZCZH-WFC6Z-633TT-SJ6JS
10 Golden KeysExpires: Unknown59KBB-95FSS-WRKRH-FJJJ3-KT6K6
SDCC 2024 Golden KeysExpires: Unknown59CJ3-CHTR6-JHKSK-SJ33B-WXRTX
1 Golden KeysExpires: Unknown966BB-TXSKJ-JJJ3J-333J3-XK56J
1 Golden KeysExpires: UnknownZXRTT-SKHCJ-B3TTT-JBTTT-JTRHH
1 Golden KeysExpires: Unknown96FJT-WFZWJ-J3JJJ-BBT3B-XFKSW
1 Golden KeysExpires: UnknownHFFJT-6KZCT-3J333-TT3BB-XK6CS
1 Golden KeysExpires: UnknownZFXJB-BCSKT-TT3J3-JJTB3-XB965
1 Golden KeysExpires: UnknownHFX3T-KWHCJ-BBJ3T-3JTJB-X3KTR
5 Diamond KeyExpires: Unknown4C10S-8HKD3-H5HKS-3S6S2-S5S9H

Borderlands 3 ‘Cosmetic’ SHiFT Code Rewards

These SHiFT Codes were unlocked during Borderlands 3 Events, however, Gearbox Software and 2K Games don’t always give an expiration date with these codes.

RewardExpiresSHiFT Code
Shrine Saint Head + Loaded Crystal TrinketExpires: UnknownKSWJJ-J6TTJ-FRCF9-X333J-5Z6KJ
Antihero Head + Saurian Skull TrinketExpires: UnknownKSK33-S5T33-XX5FS-R3BTB-WSXRC
Pilot Punk Head + Finger on Ring TrinketExpires: Unknown WSCBT-R5BB3-66KX9-F3JBT-ZW3JK
Super Mecha Head + Ball & Chain TrinketExpires: Unknown KZKJB-C5BTT-RXW69-XJ33B-5JRBS
Guardian HeadExpires: Unknown CSW33-HBBJB-R65XH-XJTJ3-CT963
Null Value HeadExpires: Unknown KHWTB-3CBJB-6XWFZ-6B3BB-T5CCJ
Grey Matter HeadExpires: Unknown CZKTB-6BTJ3-R6KRZ-6B3TT-RX5ZH
Daemon HeadExpires: UnknownCS5JB-CTTBB-FFWXZ-FJ3BT-TC6R3
Mercenary Day CosmeticsExpires: Dec 31, 202159WBB-FSWR9-KFC69-R3B3B-3FKST
Arachnoir HeadExpires: Unknown KZKBB-5HZ9S-CFKR9-RJ3T3-JBTK6
Skagwave HeadExpires: Unknown K95BT-B99H9-CX5XH-RTJB3-C6SJX
Saurian Synth HeadExpires: Unknown CZ5JT-HFH99-KXKRZ-6BTJJ-BS5WB
Ratch Rider HeadExpires: UnknownWZK3T-XXZHH-KFK6H-6J33T-S959T
2nd Anniversary CosmeticsExpires: Sept 27, 2021KH5J3-9BSSS-K6WF9-RT3BB-FTBCJ

Borderlands 3 ‘Diamond Key’ SHiFT Codes

SHiFT Codes for Diamond Skeleton Keys are extremely rare and are only given out on special occasions. You can earn them in-game when you have the Director’s Cut. That way you have a more consistent chance of opening up the Diamond Armory.

RewardExpiresSHiFT Code
1 Diamond Key (Source: S1E9)Expires: UnknownKSKJB-TCFJR-W9JFW-Z3TBB-W3FXW
5 Diamond KeysExpires: Unknown4C10S-8HKD3-H5HKS-3S6S2-S5S9H
1 Diamond KeyExpires: Oct 31, 2023K9C3J-3TFBF-K9JFC-Z33T3-9HJH9
3 Golden Keys + 1 Diamond KeyExpires: Jan 5, 2023JJ6T3-9CSRB-RKJ5W-JBJJJ-WRXRC
10 Golden Keys + 1 Diamond KeyExpires: Unknown5H533-9XT3T-FXWFZ-RJTTB-6FXKJ
1 Diamond KeyExpires: May 1, 2022WHKTJ-WF5SC-F6RBC-HJB33-3R5HB
1 Diamond KeyExpires: Unknown59KTJ-JFWS5-FXXT5-ZTTJT-3H3H6

Borderlands 3 ‘Permanent’ SHiFT Keys

Most of these SHiFT Keys are part of the collector’s edition and don’t have an expiration date. I will also post other ‘always active’ Shift Codes in this section.

RewardSHiFT Code
1 Golden KeyZ65B3-JCXX6-5JXW3-3B33J-9SWT6

Borderlands 3 SHiFT Code FAQ

Do you want to know how to use SHiFT Codes or are you running into any issues, then check out the frequently asked questions below.

What are Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes?

SHiFT Codes are unique codes that you can redeem for various items. These can be weapons or cosmetic items but one of the most popular items has always been the Golden Keys.

Like the previous installments in the series, Borderlands 3 will also have Golden Keys, Gearbox Software confirmed this on Twitter. I have been archiving SHiFT Codes for various games, here up on the site. I will do the same with Borderlands 3 in this article.

These Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes are universal and will work on PC, PS4, and Xbox

What are Golden Keys?

Golden Keys are yellow skeleton keys that will let you open up the Golden Chest with the skull on it in Borderlands 3.

You can find the golden chest aboard the spaceship Sanctuary, which will function as a hub town in the game. The Golden Chest will provide you with better loot than your average loot chest. The loot quality in the Golden Chest is often of the ‘Rare’ (purple) tier. This loot quality tier sits just below the legendary tier, that said, there is a small chance that you can find legendary items in the Golden Chest. So if you are looking for awesome loot this is a very good way to collect it.

How to get Golden Keys for Borderlands 3?

Golden Keys are obtained by redeeming SHiFT Codes. These are randomly being provided by the Borderlands channelGearbox Software, or Randy Pitchford on social media. But they also show up during the Borderlands Show. You need to keep an eye out for these as it’s not always clear when they show up. Therefore, it’s possible that you can miss those messages due to the algorithms those platforms use to recommend specific content. I would recommend following an active community member who keeps track of the SHiFT Codes. I’m posting all of the Borderlands 3 Golden Key Codes in this article. You can bookmark this page and check back from time to time or follow me on social media.

Where to use Golden Keys in Borderlands 3

You can use your Golden Keys to open the Golden Chest that is aboard Sanctuary III. You can find this special loot chest just around the corner of your personal quarters.

How to redeem SHiFT Codes in Borderlands 3?

There are 3 ways how you can redeem SHiFT Codes for Borderlands 3.

In-Game – In the main menu or if you pause the game. You can find a SHiFT Tab in the Social menu. Enter the SHiFT Code here.

SHiFT Website – On the Gearbox SHiFT Site, you can use the ‘Code Redemption’ feature to claim your rewards.

Borderlands website – On the official Borderlands site, there is a ‘Redeem Code’ option filed under ‘SHiFT’ in the main menu. Here you can use the SHiFT Tile to enter SHiFT Codes.

While the Borderlands website itself is pretty popular for redeeming codes due to the VIP Codes. However, the site sometimes has some hiccups. So it’s possible you are not able to redeem a new code or it mentions you don’t have “platform x” linked to your account.  If that’s the case try the SHiFT site as it’s more stable but redeeming codes in-game is the safest bet.
The Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes are universal, therefore, there is just 1 code that will work on all platforms. So you won’t have separate Borderlands 3 PS4 SHiFT Codes, Borderlands 3 XBOX SHiFT Codes, or Borderlands 3 PC SHiFT Codes. Redeem an active code and select your preferred platform.

What if a SHiFT Code isn’t working?

SHiFT Codes can expire, however, when they haven’t expired yet sometimes things don’t work as intended. It is possible that the Borderlands or SHiFT sites are having hiccups or a SHiFT code is buggy.

Usually, you can still redeem the SHiFT Code in the game itself. However, there is always the possibility that an individual code has issues with your account. Golden Keys not showing up in your inventory could be a one-time thing.

If you keep encountering problems of some sort, there might be a solution to your problem in the knowledge base or you can submit a support ticket with 2K Games and they will sort it out for you. Try and describe the issue as best as you can, as this will help them resolve your issue a lot faster.

How to use Golden Keys?

If you redeemed your Borderlands 3 SHiFT Code, the Golden Key will be sent to your in-game mailbox. You can open your mail by going into the social menu and then selecting the envelope tab. From this menu, you can collect your Golden Keys or other rewards that you have received. Once you claimed a key, you can travel to Sanctuary 3 to open up the Golden Chest. The Chest is located on the upper deck. Starting from the Fast Travel Point, walk forward passed the Quick Change Station and the Lost Loot Machine. Make a right around the corner and you will find the Golden Chest right ahead of you. Opening the Golden Chest will provide you with rare gear which will be scaled to your current level.

Shift Code Requires 2K Games Account

Some codes might require your 2K Games account to be linked to Gearbox Software’s SHiFT platform.
1. Visit: https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/associations
2. Find 2K Games Logo
3. Connect 2K Account (Sign-in or create an account)

More Shift Codes

Are you looking for Shift Codes for any of the other Borderlands games?

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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